Install VirtualBox & Import the prebuilt virtual machine image.
write inline RISC-V assembly code to implement a = a * b
write inline RISC-V assembly code to implement arrays multiplication.
write inline RISC-V assembly code to implement matrix multiplication.
Code with the following structure.
|── answer.h
├── q1_baseline.c
├── q1.c
├── q1.h
├── q1_improved.c
├── q1_input.txt
├── q2_ans.c
├── q2.c
├── q2.h
├── q2_input.txt
├── makefile
└── test
- q1_baseline.c: write assembly code base on q1.c and count the number of executes instructions.
- q1_improved.c: try to speed up q1_baseline.c.
- q2_ans.c: write assembly code base on q2.c (nestes for-loop code) and improve CPU execution time.
Code with the following structure.
└── benchmark/
├── captcha.c
├── nyancat.c
└── qrcode.c
├── config.conf
├── FIFO_cachesim.h
├── LRU_cachesim.h
├── LFU_cachesim.h
├── ORIG_cachesim.h
├── SELF_cachesim.h
├── makefile
Implemented three Cache Replacement Policies.
- First In First Out (FIFO)
- Least Recently Used (LRU)
- Least-Frequently Used (LFU)
The workflow of the data cache simulation in Spike is highlighted as follows.
Develop own cache replacement policies SELF.
make score
runs out the config file results./
runs all possible solution combinations (set/way/blocksize). You need to change the policy in the program according to the situation.- The following three commands can be used to replace 'make score' and print out the results in detail for debugging.
make $policy
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -static -o qr ./benchmark/qrcode.c
spike --isa=RV64GC --dc=2:4:8 /home/ubuntu/riscv/riscv64-unknown-elf/bin/pk qr