This page is here to support the workshop: Phylogenetic Data Analysis in Practice.
The first workshop will be at the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco from April 16th - April 20th. This workshop will be focused on the basics of how to make inferences about evolutionary history using moecular sequence data with some background on theory.
We will cover the following topics:
Day 1: Tree thinking & Data Acquisition
Day 2: Alignment & Alignment Uncertainty
Day 3: Model Testing & Maximum Likelihood Data Analysis
Day 4: Bayesian Data Analysis, Partitioned Data
Day 5: Introduction to R for Phylogenetics, Individual Consultation
I will post a more detailed schedule close to the start of the workshop.
- Laptop computer with wifi capabilities and two usb ports
- 8+ GB USB drive
- Register for an account on Cipres
- download and install Aliview
- download and install FigTree
- download and install EditPad Lite or Sublime Text
- download and install SequenceMatrix
- download and install Tracer
- download and install R and RStudio Desktop - If you have questions about how to install R, be sure to read the FAQs
- It will also be useful for you if you have some sequence data of your own that comes from organisms for which you have some familiarity, but this is not essential.
Vinson P. Doyle
sonofvin [at]