An early prototype of a 4 players top-down Arena videogame that has as core mechanics synergies with projectiles, barriers and obstacles. The game is in its first iterations and so is in continious development and far from a polished final product.
When pressing 1 on keyboard or start on joystick, one player is spawned in the arena for a maximum of 4 players. The respective ships can be moved using WASD/ L-STICK : both players have 3 lives reported on the top of the player's ship. With L-SHIFT/ L1 the players leave a linear barrier that after some time vanishes. Players can fire only neutral projectiles in two fire modes:
- Auto shot: using DIRECTIONAL-KEYS/ R-STICK you can direct a continious wave of projectiles that can bump only one time
- Charge shot: using SPACEBAR/ R2 you can charge a shot. Charging the shot increases the projectile size and the number of times it is able to bump on obstacles. This projectile has doubled velocity with respect to the auto shot version.
When a projectile hits a barrier it stops to ne be neutral and it takes the color of the overlapping barrier becoming faster. When a projectile of a non-neutral given color hits a player of an opposing color, that player loses a life.
In the release section you can find the executable of the game.
Your feedbacks on this projects are always precious and welcomed, including bugs that you can report in the Github Issue section.