1- Identify large inversions on fasta files based on mapping of unique k-mers. Generates a dotplot of the alignments.
Requires FastK, bwa, R.
./kinv.sh \
-1 [First fasta file] \
-2 [Second fasta file] \
2- Detect inversions between two paths of a GFA file. Generates two bed files with the coordinates of the inversions for each path.
Requires R.
./inv_from_paths \
-g [path to gfa file] \
-a [name of path 1] \
-b [name of path 2] \
-c [name of chr, used just to include the info on the bed file] \
-p [:optional: min percentaje of inverted sequence on total inversion :def=0.8] \
-s [:optional: min size of inversion :def=50:]