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additions: feature 🆕
additions: feature :new:
New feature or request
build: ci ♾️
build: ci :infinity:
Continuous integration
build: deployment ⚙️
build: deployment :gear:
Related to application deployment
experience: copy 📝
experience: copy :memo:
Improvements to public-facing copy.
experience: design 📐
experience: design :triangular_ruler:
Aesthetic improvements
experience: ux 👤
experience: ux :bust_in_silhouette:
User experience and usability
feedback: discussion 🗣️
feedback: discussion :speaking_head:
Under discussion
feedback: question ❓
feedback: question :question:
Further information is requested
feedback: rfc 🙋
feedback: rfc :raising_hand:
Request For Comment
improvement: enhancement ✨
improvement: enhancement :sparkles:
Improvement to existing functionality
improvement: optimization 🔧
improvement: optimization :wrench:
Performance optimization
inactive: duplicate 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
inactive: duplicate :people_holding_hands:
This issue or pull request already exists
inactive: invalid ❌
inactive: invalid :x:
This issue is not an issue, or not information was provided to reproduce
inactive: wontfix 🙅
inactive: wontfix :no_good:
This will not be worked on
mindless: chore 🧹
mindless: chore :broom:
Mindless chore
pending: in progress 📈
pending: in progress :chart_with_upwards_trend:
pending: watchlist 👀
pending: watchlist :eyes:
problem: bug 🦠
problem: bug :microbe:
Something isn't working
problem: security 🚪
problem: security :door:
This is a security concern