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Marcelo Veiga Neves edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 13 revisions

The prplSecureBoot™ implements a secure boot process to ensure "trusted execution", anchored to a root-of-trust, in embedded connected devices that power the Internet of Things. The current version is targed to Microchip Technology’s PIC32MZ microcontrollers.

We define a secure boot process as one that utilizes a cryptographic public key to verify signed code, ensuring the authenticity (that it is provided by the vendor/manufacturer) and integrity (that it has not been modified) of the "main code" (e.g., next-stage bootloader or prplHypervisor™) prior to execution. This main code must perform the same kind of verification for other applications creating a chain-of-trust.

prplSecureBoot™ and prplHypervisor™ technologies are part of the prplSecurity™ open source framework and are released under prpl Foundation permissive license – see

Table of Contents

  1. Supported boards
  2. Building environment
  3. prplSecureBoot for PIC32MZ (step-by-step demo)