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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 13, 2024. It is now read-only.

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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

priority: high
priority: high
This PR should be reviewed ASAP.
priority: low
priority: low
This PR should be reviewed after all high and medium PRs.
priority: medium
priority: medium
This PR should be reviewed after all high priority PRs.
priority: none
priority: none
This PR has no priority - can be reviewed any time.
status: accepted
status: accepted
This issue is accepted as valid, but it's not being worked on yet.
status: done
status: done
This issue is considered resolved.
status: in progress
status: in progress
This issue is being worked on.
status: in triage
status: in triage
This issue is being triaged.
status: rejected
status: rejected
This issue is considered rejected. It will not be worked on.
status: waiting
status: waiting
This issue waits for feedback from author.
type: bug
type: bug
This issue reports a bug.
type: build
type: build
This PR contains changes to the build system (like Travis or publishing a package).
type: chore
type: chore
This PR contains changes that are not covered by other types (stylistic, dependency updates, etc).
type: documentation
type: documentation
This PR contains updates to the documentation in code, README or .pubnub.yml.
type: feature
type: feature
This PR contains new feature.
type: fix
type: fix
This PR contains fixes to existing features.
type: performance
type: performance
This issue reports a problem with performance.
type: question
type: question
This issue is a question.
type: refactor
type: refactor
This PR contains refactored existing features.
type: test
type: test
This PR contains new tests for existing functionality or fixes to existing tests.