This is our attempt to develop Pumpkin Reader using React and React Native technology.
We try to reuse as many code as possible.
The functionality is far from complete. Currently, it can only show 10 news title (Yes, only the title. You can not even click on it to view the comments).
// First, launch an Android emulator or connect an Android device
$ react-native run-android
// when you run on an Android device
$ adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
// run in dev mode
$ npm run-script web-start
// bundle for production
$ npm run-script web-bundle
Actions (47) + Reducers (46) + Store (17) = 110 lines
View = (Android) 140 + (Web) 98 = 238
Reusability: 110 / (238 + 110) ≅ 31.6%