This is just a setup readme, and is a work in progress. It uses the screeps docker container provided by ags131 here He also provided the docker compose outline, and wrote several of the screepsmod mods that are used.
- Login as screeps
mkdir screeps
cd screeps
- clone this repo
git clone
- copy in the docker-compose.yml from the repo
cp screeps-vm-docker/docker-compose.yml .
sudo docker-compose up -d
- wait while the images are downloaded
sudo docker-compose down
- wait while it stops
Running sudo docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/data/server:/screeps init
- wait while it build screeps
- Visit and get an API Key
- Enter it into the prompt
- Don't try and type "screeps start" to launch your server! (well you can try but it won't work)
sudo docker run --rm -v $PWD/data/server:/screeps yarn add screepsmod-mongo screepsmod-auth screepsmod-tickrate screepsmod-admin-utils screepsmod-features screepsmod-gcltocpu screepsmod-history screepsmod-map-tool
sudo vi data/server/mods.json
add into mods array
sudo vi data/server/.screepsrc
at the end add
host = mongo
host = redis
mode = 'file'
user = admin
pass = <your password here>
sudo docker-compose up -d
sudo docker-compose exec server npx screeps cli
ctrl-c twice
sudo docker-compose restart
ip -4 a
Connect using steam, or connect to http://<ip>:21025/authmod/password/ and use steam to set a password then use grunt (etc) to upload code