- Introduction
- System Requirement and dependency
- Installation guide
- Usage
- Example dataset
- Tools in this package
- Supplementary
- Citation
Dynamic Meta-Storms calculates comprehensive taxonomic and phylogenetic distances/dissimilarities of shotgun metagenomes at the species level. It takes the species-level profiling results (e.g. MetaPhlAn2) as input, and compares metagenomes on the species-level with both taxonomy and phylogeny profiles. When comparing samples, for organisms that can be identified by species, Dynamic Meta-Storms measures their dissimilarity based on the species-level phylogeny tree using the Meta-Storms algorithm; for unclassified species, it dynamically locates such organisms to the virtual internal nodes that account for all the sub-branches under the same taxonomy.
Dynamic Meta-Storms only requires a standard computer with sufficient RAM to support the operations defined by a user. For typical users, this would be a computer with about 2 GB of RAM. For optimal performance, we recommend a computer with the following specs:
RAM: 8+ GB
CPU: 4+ cores, 3.3+ GHz/core
OpenMP library is the C/C++ parallel computing library. Most Linux releases have OpenMP already been installed in the system. In Mac OS X, to install the compiler that supports OpenMP, we recommend using the Homebrew package manager:
brew install gcc
At present, Dynamic Meta-Storms provides a fully automatic installer for easy installation.
a. Download the package
git clone https://github.com/qibebt-bioinfo/dynamic-meta-storms.git
b. Install by installer
cd dynamic-meta-storms
source install.sh
The package should take less than 1 minute to install on a computer with the specifications recommended above.
The example dataset could be found at “example” folder. Check the “example/Readme” for details about the demo run.
If the automatic installer fails, Dynamic Meta-Storms can still be installed manually.
a. Download the package
git clone https://github.com/qibebt-bioinfo/dynamic-meta-storms.git
b. Configure the environment variables (the default environment variable configuration file is “~/.bashrc”)
export DynamicMetaStorms=Path to Dynamic Meta-Storms
export PATH=”$PATH:$DynamicMetaStorms/bin/”
source ~/.bashrc
c. Compile the source code
cd dynamic-meta-storms
a. Metagenomic species-level profiling by MetaPhlAn2
Dynamic Meta-Storms takes the species-level profiling results of MetaPhlAn2 as input. You can either start from the metagenomics sequence file:
metaphlan2.py sample_1.fasta --input_type fasta --tax_lev s --ignore_viruses --ignore_eukaryotes --ignore_archaea > profiled_sample_1.sp.txt
or you can start from the intermediate BowTie2 output by MetaPhlAn2:
metaphlan2.py sample_1.bowtie2.bz2 --input_type bowtie2out --tax_lev s --ignore_viruses --ignore_eukaryotes --ignore_archaea > profiled_sample_1.sp.txt
This step can be ignored if you have already obtained the species-level relative abundance table by MetaPhlAn2 (e.g. Example dataset in below).
b. Merge multiple output files to species-level relative abundance table
To merge output files of multiple samples, please summarize all samples’ output information into a list file (e.g. named as samples.list.txt) in the following format:
Sample_1 profiled_sample_1.sp.txt
Sample_2 profiled_sample_2.sp.txt
Sample_3 profiled_sample_3.sp.txt
Sample_N profiled_sample_N.sp.txt
The first column is the sample ID and the second column is the path of profiling result file. Then run:
MS-single-to-table -l samples.list.txt -o samples.sp.table
This step can be ignored if you have already obtained the species-level relative abundance table by MetaPhlAn2 (e.g. Example dataset in below).
c. Compute the distance matrix
In this step, you can compute distance matrix for relative abundance table by
MS-comp-taxa-dynamic -T samples.sp.table -o samples.sp.dist
The output file “samples.sp.dist” is the pairwise distance matrix computed with MetaPhlAn2 tree and taxonomy.
The reference trees of MetaPhlAn2 and MetaPhlAn3 have been integrated in the package, and the default is MetaPhlAn2. If your taxonomy abundance table was profiled by MetaPhlAn3, You can also use the MetaPhlAn3 as the reference by the -D option.
MS-comp-taxa-dynamic -D M -T samples.sp.table -o samples.sp.dist
d. Make a customized reference
To make a customized reference, please input a reference phylogeny tree in Newick format (tip nodes are species names), and a reference full taxonomy of the species in tabular format.
MS-make-ref -i tree.newick -r tree.taxonomy -o tree.dms
MS-make-ref needs R and package "ape". The input taxonomy format is
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
k__Archaea p__Euryarchaeota c__Methanopyri o__Methanopyrales f__Methanopyraceae g__Methanopyrus s__Methanopyrus_kandleri
k__Archaea p__Euryarchaeota c__Methanobacteria o__Methanobacteriales f__Methanothermaceae g__Methanothermus s__Methanothermus_fervidus
k__Archaea p__Euryarchaeota c__Methanobacteria o__Methanobacteriales f__Methanobacteriaceae g__Methanothermobacter s__Methanothermobacter_marburgensis
Then you can compute the distance matrix with the customized reference:
MS-comp-taxa-dynamic -D tree.dms -T samples.sp.table -o samples.sp.dist
The source files of both MetaPhlAn2 and MetaPhlAn3 tree and taxonomy for example of customized reference is available as Supplementary.
Here we provide a demo dataset (Synthetic Dataset 1) with species abundance of 40 synthetic metagenomic samples in “example” folder. In this package, “dataset1.sp.abd” is the relative abundance on species-level, and “dataset1.meta” is the group information of the samples.
To run the demo, you can either:
cd example
sh Readme
or type the following command:
MS-comp-taxa-dynamic -T dataset1.sp.abd -o dataset1.sp.abd.dist
Then the output file “dataset1.sp.abd.dist” is the pairwise distance of the 40 samples.
This demo run should take less than 1 minute on a recommended computer.
a. MS-comp-taxa-dynamic
It calculates the dynamic meta-storms distance matrix among metagenomes. Run:
MS-comp-taxa-dynamic -h
for detailed parameters.
b. MS-comp-taxa
It calculates the regular meta-storms distance matrix among metagenomes. This method ignores the unclassified organisms in metagenomes. Run:
MS-comp-taxa -h
for detailed parameters.
c. MS-single-to-table
It merges multiple single-sample-output files to relative abundance table. See “ Merge multiple output files to species-level relative abundance table” above for example usage, or run:
MS-single-to-table -h
for detailed parameters.
d. MS-table-to-single
It splits relative abundance table to multiple single-sample-output files. Run:
MS-table-to-single -h
for detailed parameters.
e. MS-make-ref
MS-make-ref needs R and package "ape". It generates customized reference with input phylogeny tree and taxonomy. Run:
MS-make-ref -h
for detailed parameters.
Synthetic Dataset 1 contains 40 synthetic metagenomes that are derived from 48 bacteria species.
Synthetic Dataset 2 contains 100,000 synthetic metagenomes that are derived from 3,688 bacteria species.
Real Dataset 1 contains 2,355 real human metagenomes produced by Human Microbiome Project Phase 1 (version 2).
Real Dataset 2 contains 24 real environmental metagenomes produced by MetaSUB project.
Source files of MetaPhlAn2 tree and taxonomy.
Source files of MetaPhlAn3 tree and taxonomy.
G. Jing, Y. Zhang, M. Yang, L. Liu, J. Xu, X. Su*, Dynamic Meta-Storms enables comprehensive taxonomic and phylogenetic comparison of shotgun metagenomes at the species level, Bioinformatics, 2019