Fabric Docs CN
A project to translate the Fabric documentation to Chinese
一个将 Fabric 文档翻译为中文的项目
The purpose of this lab is to translate the Fabric documentation to Chinese. We will use this repository to sync with the latest English version. The proposal for doing this is to compare the changes of latest English doc and the current doc we are working on. And update the source file in a new release base branch. Issues are used to track what to update in the changed docs. Translator can merge/reuse the existing translation to the changed docs and focus on the changed part.
该 lab 的目的为将 Fabric 文档翻译为中文。我们将会使用这个仓库来将最新的英文版文档同步到这里。提议这么做是为了将最新的英文文档和我们当前正在工作的文档进行比较。并且在一个新的基于 release 的分支中更新源文件。Issues 被用来跟踪在变动的文档中都哪些内容被更新了。翻译者可以合并/重用已经存在的翻译内容到变动的文档中并且关注于有改动的部分。
The original online documentation is http://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/
原始的在线文档在 http://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/
- Julien Guo - https://github.com/JulienGuo
- Jiang Lu - [email protected]
- Arnaud Le Hors - [email protected]
- Baohua Yang - [email protected]