- install python 2.7.12
- add C:\Python27 and C:\Python27\Scripts to the system Path env variable
- pip install -U selenium
- pip install twilio
- In this file we keep users email addresses. So to set the script up correctly and run in the real-live mode, we need to enter all users and their emails into this file.
TODO: In the future, we'll use it to turn off, on alerts for a particular user.
- We save all alerts that have been sent out in this file in order to keep track of them.
- this is a template for alerts.conf, so rename the file and fill in the required settings.
- The file is used only for testing purposes to test twilio.
To run the script in the test mode: test::true
The test mode means that all emails, text messages will be sent out to: twilio_to_test phone number, gmail_user
To run the script in the real-live mode: test::false
python run_alert.py
in verbose mode: python run_alert.py --verbose
When the script starts, it launches the Chrome browser and fetches all user data and sends emails, text messages accordingly. Phone numbers are retrieved from the web app, however email addresses must be provided in the users.csv file