This project takes Computed Tomography data obtained by a CT scanner and an Arterial Input Function (AIF) vector and gives the corresponding perfusion map in a span of seconds.
Firstly, you'll need to have CUDA installed on your system (and a dedicated NVIDIA GPU of course). Also make sure gcc and nvcc are installed properly.
To use it, run the compile_script (first make it executable if it's not already using the command "chmod u+x"), then run a.out. You'll get a "cbfmatrix.txt" file which you can easily plot in any plotting program (or preferably in MATLAB with the command "ctshow").
Sample output on a brain CT scanner data taken from file "mydata.txt" and AIF vector taken from "aifvector.txt":
If you have no idea what these terms such as "Perfusion" and "Deconvolution" mean, please read this nice paper over at