XQUIC Automation project for regression testing using Testcafe.
These are the steps to start using this project or implement more test cases to the suite.
To be able to use this project, below is the software stack required:
- node JS version 10+
- Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, IE
Install the modules required by the project using below command
npm install -g testcafe
npm install
- Configure the Environment credentials in config.json file.
- Configure run-config.json for custom test suite, or update existing test suite with test cases per requirement.
- Configure test-runner.js for timeouts, reporter etc choices.
To execute the test cases, below is the command. This command takes browser name, environment name, test-suite name, concurrency of execution, release id as arguments
node test-runner.js --browser=chrome --environment=BLUE --suite=smoke --concurrency=1
- browser - values['chrome', 'chrome:headless', 'firefox', 'firefox:headless', 'ie', 'all']
- enviroment - values['BLUE','PROD']
- suite - values['smoke','all', ... 'custom']
- concurrency - values[1 to 5]