original work by team MECATRON Nanyang Technological University for Robomasters 2017 in Shenzhen
- dji_ros: serial to arduino to publish /cmd_vel
- rplidar_ros: lidar node publishes /scan
- usb_cam: camera node publishes /image_rect_color
- tf_broadcaster: transformations of robot, publishes /odometry
- detect_enemy: detects enemy by clustering based on /scan, publishes /enemy_yolo
- camera_masking: masked out camera based on enemy's position, publishes /image_rect_color_masked
- armor_detection: detects enemy's armor from masked image, publishes armor's /roi
- mission_planner: performs dodging and shooting
- rviz
- image_view
setup NUC to launch 1-8 in robomasters/launch/base.launch during stratup. Put the base on center of arena and let 10-20s without moving it. turn on NUC and voila, u have a running base with autoshooting and passive dodging. For debug, use wifi and run 9-10. SSH to [email protected] for remote wifi connection.
- uvc_cam: camera node to publish /image_raw
- ros_yolo2: runs darknet tiny-yolo2 deep learning, weights and cfg file in /data. publishes roi in /yolo2/detections
- dji_ros: serial to arduino
- buff: uses heatmap and pid to shoot, publishes /cmd_vel
- uav_fast.py: detects circular landing site by Ransac, blinks led as direction indicator on 4 uav arms