kitty is a C++ graphics library that provides a simple and easy to use API to create and render 2D graphics. The library is cross-platform(not yet), optimized for speed and memory efficiency.
kitty::os::create_window("Kittylib", 800, 600);
renderer_t* renderer = new d3d9_renderer_t();
font_t* font = new font_t("C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf", 25, renderer);
while (kitty::os::should_run()) {
font->render("Hello World", 0, 0, color_t(255, 255, 255, 255));
// every way to initialize a color (conversions back and forth from these color models are supported)
color_t color1(255, 0, 0);
color_t color2 = color_t::red();
color_t color3 = color_t::from_hex_str("#FF0000");
color_t color4 = colot_t::from_hsl(313, 1, 0.81);
color_t color5 = colot_t::from_hsv(313, 0.38, 1.0);
// calculate a color's luma
char luma = color1.luma();
// interpolate between two colors
color_t color6 = color2.lerp(color4, 0.5);
// create a texture
texture_t* texture = new texture_t(100, 100, renderer);
// render stuff to the texture
renderer->circle_filled(0, 0, 100, color_t::white());
font->render("Hi", 50, 50, color_t::white());
// now we can use the texture we rendered to as a sprite etc.
renderer->rect_textured(0, 0, texture);
- 2D shapes (rectangles, circles, triangles, lines, polygons, etc.)
- easy to use vector,matrice classes and a math namespace for common operations (such as bezier, clamping, mapping, etc.)
- image loading (png, jpg, bmp, etc.)
- OS message handling (keyboard, mouse, etc.)
- and more! 🎉
- D3D9 Renderer
- OpenGL renderer
- Textures
- Font renderer
- Free color_t conversion to UINT32
- Fix crashing when alot of frames are being rendered in a short period of time
- Look into faster ways to calculate bezier curves
- Add bezier function with 1 control point