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Security: rhnas110/motionime-web



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Kebijakan Keamanan

Melaporkan Kerentanan

Jika Anda menemukan kerentanan di motionime, jangan ragu untuk berkomentar di Diskusi GitHub atau Anda dapat melaporkan kerentanan tersebut di halaman keamanan atau di Server Discord kami. Kami akan memeriksa laporan tersebut sesegera mungkin. Mohon berikan detail yang memadai agar kami dapat menyelesaikannya secepat mungkin.

Security Policy

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you have found a vulnerability in motionime, feel free to comment in GitHub Discussion or you may report the vulnerability in security advisory page or in our Discord Server. We shall look into the report as soon as possible. Please provide adequate details so that we may resolve it at the earliest.

There aren’t any published security advisories