BSG is a method based on beam search(an adaptation of a branch-and-bound algorithm which expands only the most promising nodes at each level of the search tree). BSG explores the space to find a path from an it initial state (i.e., an empty container) to some complete solution or it terminal state (i.e., a loading plan in which no more boxes can be loaded).
Clone the project:
git clone
Compile the project:
cmake .
./BSG_CLP {OPTIONS} [instance-set]
********* BSG-CLP *********.
-h, --help Display this help menu
-i[int] Instance
-f[string] Format: (BR, BRw, 1C)
--min_fr=[double] Minimum volume occupied by a block
-t[int], --timelimit=[int] Timelimit
--seed=[int] Random seed
--alpha=[double] Alpha parameter
--beta=[double] Beta parameter
--gamma=[double] Gamma parameter
--delta=[double] Delta parameter
-p[double] p parameter
--show_layout Show the layout of the boxes
--fsb full-support blocks
--trace Trace
instance-set The name of the instance set
"--" can be used to terminate flag options and force all following
arguments to be treated as positional options
BSG Solver for CLP.
./BSG_CLP problems/clp/benchs/BR/BR2.txt -i 47 -t 10
BSG-B is an adaptation of the BSG algorithm for dealing with biobjective CLPs. It has two important differences w.r.t. BSG:
BSG-B uses a dynamic mechanism for orienting the search to one objective or the other by changing the configuration of the heuristic function; and
BSG-B selects the states for the next level by using well-known multi-objective criteria, i.e., non-dominated sort (nds) and crowding distance.
Flowchart of the BSG-B algorithm.
VPD is an heuristic function for ranking and selecting the next block to be placed. VPD, like other heuristic functions, attempts to best evaluate those blocks that most probably will guide the construction to solutions maximizing the total volume of boxes.
The function VPD evaluates each block b according to the place in where it should be located inside the container. The mathematical expression of the VPD function is:
where V(b), P(b) and D(b) are the volume, profit and density of the block b respectively, CS(b,\theta4) is the proportion of the surface area of the block covered by the adjacent blocks or by the walls of the container. L(b) estimates the wasted volume in the residual space of the selected free space cuboid. The estimation takes into account that the maximum usable space in each direction of the residual space must be a linear combination of the dimensions of the remaining boxes. The problem is modeled as a knapsack problem and solved with a standard algorithm in pseudo-polynomial time.
theta is the parameter vector of the function used for weighting the different criteria.
./BSG_B {OPTIONS} [instance-set]
********* BSG-BO *********.
-h, --help Display this help menu
-i[int] Instance number
-f[string] Format (BR, BRw, 1C, BRwp)
--fp=[string] Kind of profit (R, I, W)
--min_fr=[double] Block_generation: Minimum volume occupied by a block (proportion)
--maxb=[int] Block_generation: Maximum number of generated blocks
-t[int], --timelimit=[int] Timelimit
--seed=[int] Random seed
-s[double] Strategy (bsg, bsg_p, bsg_vp, ns+cd,
--theta_v=[double] VPD's parameter vector (max vol)
--theta_p=[double] VPD's parameter vector (max profit)
--ref=["double double"] Reference point. (format: "y1 y2")
--matlab Matlab output
--trace Trace
instance-set The instance set
BSG-B Solver for CLP.
./BSG_B problems/clp/benchs/BRwp-1.0-0.5/BR8.txt -i 1 --min_fr=0.98 -t 10 --theta_v="1 0 -0.13 0.02 3.85 6.27 0.48" --theta_p="-0.95 1.0 -0.16 0.02 1.53 1.53 0.44" -s o-search --fp=R -f BRwp
Set of benchmark instances can be found in problems/clp/benchs
There are 3 sets of biobjective instances:
BRwp-X-Z (option -fp BRwp): 12 set of 1600 biobjective instances each. They are based on the BR instances proposed by Bischoff & Ratcliff and Davies & Bischoff. We consider random weights (w_i=v_i * d_i) to each box c_i of the BR instances. d_i corresponds to the density of the box and it is randomly generated according to a normal distribution N(mu=X * D_max, sigma=X * Z). We considered three different values for X (0.5, 1.0 and 1.4) and three values for Z (0.3, 0.5 and 0.8). D_max=753 [kg/m^3] corresponds to the maximum density supported by 20' containers. Profits of boxes were generated random and uniformly with values between 0 and 100. The three kinds of profits are supported: --fp=R for random profiles retrieved from the instance file, --fp=W for profits equal to weights of boxes and --fp=I for profits equal to 1.
NMFTA (option -f BRwp): 11 sets of 100 instances generated by using directly real data provided by NMFTA in February, 2019 (spreadsheest of data can be found here). Each instance was generated by selecting features of real transportation products related to a speific kind of commodity (e.g., mattresses, box spring or waterbeds; flammable or combustible liquids; power pumps; etc.). The three kinds of profits are supported: --fp=R for random profiles retrieved from the instance file, --fp=W for profits equal to weights of boxes of boxes and --fp=I for profits equal to 1.
1C (option -f BRwp): Sets of biobjective instances proposed by Gonzalez et al.. Two kinds of profits are supported:--fp=W for profits equal to weights of boxes and --fp=I for profits equal to 1.
Five variants are implemented:
BSG (option: -s bsg): corresponds to the original algorithm. Its objective is to maximize the occupied volume of the container, thus it selects as successors the nodes which, after applying the greedy algorithm, maximize the occupied volume. BSG uses the parameter vector theta_v for the heuristic function VPD.
BSG_p (option: -s bsg_p): is equivalent to BSG but it selects as successors the nodes which, after applying the greedy algorithm, maximize the total profit of the loaded boxes. BSG_p uses the parameter vector theta_p for the function VPD.
BSG_vp (option: -s bsg_vp): runs BSG and BSG_p in sequence. Each strategy is run half of the total assigned time with parameter vectors theta_v and theta_p respectively.
nds+cd (option: -s nds+cd) and o-search (option: -s o-search). Both use non-dominated sort and crowding distance for selecting successors in the beam search. In addition, o-search orients the search by changing dynamically the parameter values of the heuristic function VPD between theta_v and theta_p. nds+cd uses the parameter vector theta_v for the function VPD.
By default the values of theta_v and theta_p are tuned for maximizing the total volume and the total profit of loaded boxes respectively (i.e., --theta_v="1 0 -0.13 0.02 3.85 6.27 0.48" and --theta_p="-0.95 1.0 -0.16 0.02 1.53 1.53 0.44").
I. Araya, M.-C. Riff, A beam search approach to the container loading problem, Computers & Operations Research 43 (2014) 100–107.
I. Araya, K. Guerrero, E. Núnez, VCS: A new heuristic function for selecting boxes in the single container loading problem, Computers & Operations Research 82 (2017) 27–35
I. Araya, M. Moyano, C. Sanchez, A beam search algorithm for the biobjective container loading problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 286(2), 417-431. (2020)