Interactive Sorting Algorithm Visualizers
DSA Visualizer
This is a web-based interactive platform designed to help users learn and explore Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) through visual representations and animations.
Key Features:
Interactive Visualizations: Witness algorithms like sorting, searching, and backtracking come to life with step-by-step animations. Data Structure Exploration: Delve into various data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and more, with interactive visualizations. Multiple Algorithms: Explore a wide range of algorithms including sorting (Heap Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Insertion Sort, Radix Sort, Counting Sort, Selection Sort), searching (Linear Search, Binary Search), and backtracking (N-Queens, Knight's Tour, etc.). User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive interface allows you to easily interact with the visualizer, manipulate data, and control the visualization speed. Learning Resources: Access supplementary resources like explanation articles and links to external references for a deeper understanding of each concept. Getting Started:
Clone the Repository: Use Git to clone the repository to your local machine. Open in Browser: Open the index.html file in your preferred web browser. Explore and Learn: Navigate through the different sections and interact with the visualizations to gain insights into DSA concepts. Visualizer Structure:
The visualizer is organized into various sections:
Hero Section: Provides a high-level introduction to the platform and its purpose. Features Section: Highlights the key functionalities of the visualizer. Interactive Visualizer Section: Serves as an entry point to explore different data structures and algorithms. Data Structures Section: Offers detailed explanations and interactive visualizations of various data structures. Algorithms Section: Provides a categorized list of algorithms with interactive visualizations and explanations. About Us Section: Introduces the development team and their vision for the project. Contribute Section: Encourages users to contribute to the project's growth. Footer: Includes copyright information and links.