OpenFin-Launcher is an Node.js module that automates the downloading and launching of The OpenFin Runtime. This module assumes you have an application config file. You can read up on application config options on the OpenFin config file API docs, or generate it automatically with the openfin-config-builder.
- Node.js v0.10 or higher
- Node.js v0.10 or higher
- OpenFin Version 6 or higher
- Node.js v0.10 or higher
- OpenFin Version 6 or higher
- unzip part of distro or obtained via package manager (apt-get, pacman, etc...)
$ npm install --save openfin-launcher
var openfinLauncher = require('openfin-launcher');
//Launch a hosted application
configPath: 'http://localhost:5000/app.json'
//Or a file path
//configPath: 'C:/helloWorld/app.json'
.then(function() {
.fail(function(error) {
console.log('error!', error);
//you can also specify the location of the OpenFin Runtime rvm and the download url
configPath: 'http://localhost:5000/app.json',
rvmPath: 'C:/helloWorld/OpenFinRMV.exe',
rvmUrl: ''
.then(function() {
.fail(function(error) {
console.log('error!', error);
Type: String
Default Value: ''
OpenFin Application Configuration file path as described in the OpenFin config file API docs.
Type: String
Default Value: path.resolve('OpenFinRVM.exe');
OpenFin RVM location, if not found at the specified path the latest version will be downloaded.
Type: String
Default Value:
Location to the OpenFin RVM downoad URL, if the OpenFin RVM is not found this URL will be used to download the binary.