This is a JavaScript port of Lunar Expand and was made with the ReactJS framework.
Like with Lunar Address JS, I originally attempted to anaylze the program with IDA Pro. This proved more trouble than it was worth, especially considering the pseudo-code IDA Pro generated had a lot of gotos. As a result, it was much easier to just anaylze Lunar Expand's outputs and read SNES documentation.
This app can be accessed in your browser with the link below:
- I excluded the option to convert from LoRom to HiRom and vice versa.
- Lunar Expand doesn't recognize ExLoRom, therefore, Star Ocean, a commercially released 6MiB ExLoROM game, cannot be expanded in it. It can be in this program.
- PinoBatch: Guidance
- Sour: Guidance
- Per PinoBatch, "Any LoROM of 16 Mbit or less can be expanded to a HiROM of twice the size by duplicating every 32K bank".