Pydwolla is an elegant API wrapper for Dwolla. You can do tasks like register new user, add a new bank account, transfer funds and more.
Use pip to install,
pip install pydwolla
This installs pydwolla and its dependency package, requests
Note: Pydwolla works on python v2.7.2 and greater.
Step 0: Sign up for Dwolla and register a new application. It's free.
import dwolla
KEY = 'your client id here'
SECRET = 'your client secret here'
dwolla.init(KEY, SECRET)
To get a Dwolla user's oauth token (also known as access token), you'll need to reach out to Dwolla's website with a url. Use the dwolla.request_token_url() function to create the url:
url = dwolla.request_token_url(scope='AccountInfoFull')
When a user goes to the url and allows your app permissions to their account, a code will be sent to your callback url specified either when you created your app or passed as an argument to dwolla.request_token_url(). You'll need this code to grab the oauth token.
oauth_token = dwolla.get_oauth_token(code='code goes here')
Learn more about Dwolla's authentication process
transactions = dwolla.Transaction.all()
If successful, a dictionary will return in the following format:
'Message': 'some message',
'Success': true,
'Response': [
{ "Amount" : 0.25,
"ClearingDate" : "",
"Date" : "02/23/1985 11:55:43",
"DestinationId" : "888-321-4567",
"DestinationName" : "Royce Haynes",
"Fees" : null,
"Id" : 14577895,
"Notes" : "Refund for transaction ID: 14577895. Chunk 1 of 1.",
"SourceId" : "812-987-1244",
"SourceName" : "Reflector by Dwolla",
"Status" : "processed",
"Type" : "money_received",
"UserType" : "Dwolla"
Note: Using semantic versioning
Pydwolla is currently developed and maintained by Royce Haynes ([email protected]).