php cli framework,compenont manager,scalable tools
- PHP 5 +
- pcntl
- config.php // Application config
- common.php
+ lib // Application library
| + core // core library
| + component // Configurable compnent
| + utils // some tools,you must explicitly include them
+ include // User defined library
+ bin // application
+ log
+ tmp
+ data
+ www // www virtual directory
require '../common.php';
$app = CApp::create($appRoot, $sysConfig);
$app->init('TestFramework');// Job Factory, or **$app->init('TestFramework', $params_array);**to set some parameters
class TestFrameworkJob extends CJob {
public function jobAction()
echo "hello framework!\n";
// using getAllParams() to get all Job parameters
// var_dump($this->getAllParams());
// var_dump($this->getParams('test'));
$this->_appInstance->logger->log("test log INFO", "NOTICE");
return 1;
here is a example of module config
// module config section
'modules' => array(
// log level does inverse relationship with LogLevel number value
'logger' => array(
'logOn' => true, // logger switcher
'logLevel' => 5,
// print in screen if it's setted to true
'logInShell' => true,
// logrotate by month switcher
'logFormatMonth'=> false,
// logrotate by day switcher
'logFormatDay' => true,
// backtrace swithcer
'backtrace' => true,
// Mongo config example
'mongo_test' => array(
'class' => 'CMongo',
'mongoConf' => array(
// db is the database name to authentica
'dsn' => 'mongodb://user:psw@host:port/db',
// db1 is the database to select
'options' => array('db' => 'db1',
'connectTimeoutMS' => 5000, 'w' => 1,
// class name must be same to file name
class MongoTest extends CJob {
public function jobAction() {
// Mongodb connection handler,connect mongodb lazily
$db = $this->_appInstance->mongo_test->mongoDb;
$collection = $this->getParams('collection');
$inc_file = sprintf('%s/../common.php', dirname(__FILE__));
require $inc_file;
$app = CApp::create($appRoot, $sysConfig);
$args = array('collection' => $argv[1]);
$app->init('MongoTest', $args);