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Inbox (Mailgun) Cog


This is a Crank Cog for validating receipt and contents of emails. Use it in combination with other Cogs to validate that SaaS systems are sending the right emails with the right contents/personalization, in the right amount of time. Common use-cases include welcome emails, confirmation emails, and nurture/drip emails, triggered by configurations or activity on web forms, automation platforms, CRMs, etc.

In order to make use of this Cog, you will need a (paid) Mailgun account, configured as described below in the Setup section.


Ensure you have the crank CLI and docker installed and running locally, then run the following. You'll be prompted to enter your Mailgun API credentials once the Cog is successfully installed.

$ crank cog:install stackmoxie/inbox-mailgun --ignore-auth


This Cog leverages Mailgun's email receiving and storage capabilities to make assertions about the subject, body (HTML and plain text) and from lines of emails sent to a domain configured for use with Mailgun.


  • A domain or subdomain whose DNS records you can access/modify,
  • A Mailgun account (free/trial version will work for most use-cases as of March 2020, you'll need a plan that includes log and message retention; a Foundation plan, starting at $35/mo, is the least expensive, suitable option available),
  1. First, configure MX records for your domain or subdomain so that Mailgun is the system used to receive emails. Follow Mailgun's directions here to configure DNS correctly. As noted, take care not to remove any existing MX records (e.g. for Google Mail). We recommend using a custom subdomain just for this Cog, e.g.
  2. Once configured, set up a Route in your Mailgun dashboard (under Receiving) with a custom expression type with the following value: match_recipient(".*@crank-tests\.example\.com"), where you replace with the domain you configured above.
  3. When creating the custom Route, check the Store and notify box, to ensure Mailgun stores all messages matching the route. You do not need to specify a notification URL.
  4. Give the Route a useful description, e.g. Captures Crank emails for testing.

You can verify that everything was configured correctly by sending an email to [email protected] (again, using the domain from above) from your personal email address, and looking for a corresponding stored log message in your Mailgun dashboard under Sending -> Logs.

Finally, return to your CLI to authenticate the Cog:

$ crank cog:auth stackmoxie/inbox-mailgun

For details on where to find authentication information, see the Authentication section below.



You will be asked for the following authentication details on installation. To avoid prompts in a CI/CD context, you can provide the same details as environment variables.

Field Install-Time Environment Variable Description
# Re-authenticate by running this
$ crank cog:auth stackmoxie/inbox-mailgun


  • Your Mailgun API Key can be found on the API security page,
  • Your Email Domain is the domain or subdomain configured for use with Mailgun (e.g.,
  • Your Mailgun API Endpoint will most likely be, unless you're using Mailgun's EU data center, in which case it will be


Once installed, the following steps will be available for use in any of your Scenario files.

Name (ID) Expression Expected Data
Check the number of emails received
there should be (?<count>\d+) emails? in mailgun for (?<email>.+) - email: The inbox's email address

- count: The number received
Check the content of an email
the (?<field>(subject|body-html|body-plain|from)) of the (?<position>\d+)(?:(st|nd|rd|th))? mailgun email for (?<email>[^\s]+) (?<operator>(should contain|should not contain|should be)) (?<expectation>.+) - email: The inbox's email address

- position: The nth message to check from the email's inbox

- field: Field name to check

- operator: The operator to use when performing the validation. Current supported values are: should contain, should not contain, and should be

- expectation: Expected field value
Check that no link in an email is broken
the (?<position>\d+)(?:(st|nd|rd|th))? mailgun email for (?<email>.+) should not contain broken links - email: The inbox's email address

- position: The nth message to check from the email's inbox

Development and Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to add or update tests as appropriate.


  1. Install node.js (v12.x+ recommended)
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Install dependencies via npm install
  4. Run npm start to validate the Cog works locally (ctrl+c to kill it)
  5. Run crank cog:install --source=local --local-start-command="npm start" to register your local instance of this Cog. You may need to append a --force flag or run crank cog:uninstall stackmoxie/inbox-mailgun if you've already installed the distributed version of this Cog.

Adding/Modifying Steps

Modify code in src/steps and validate your changes by running crank cog:step stackmoxie/inbox-mailgun and selecting your step.

To add new steps, create new step classes in src/steps. Use existing steps as a starting point for your new step(s). Note that you will need to run crank registry:rebuild in order for your new steps to be recognized.

Always add tests for your steps in the test/steps folder. Use existing tests as a guide.

Modifying the API Client or Authentication Details

Modify the ClientWrapper class at src/client/client-wrapper.ts.

  • If you need to add or modify authentication details, see the expectedAuthFields static property.
  • If you need to expose additional logic from the wrapped API client, add a new ublic method to the wrapper class, which can then be called in any step.
  • It's also possible to swap out the wrapped API client completely. You should only have to modify code within this clase to achieve that.

Note that you will need to run crank registry:rebuild in order for any changes to authentication fields to be reflected. Afterward, you can re-authenticate this Cog by running crank cog:auth stackmoxie/inbox-mailgun

Tests and Housekeeping

Tests can be found in the test directory and run like this: npm test. Ensure your code meets standards by running npm run lint.