Release 0.3.1
In this release of Linfa the documentation is extended, new examples are added and the functionality of datasets improved. No new algorithms were added.
The meta-issue #82 gives a good overview of the necessary documentation improvements and testing/documentation/examples were considerably extended in this release.
Further new functionality was added to datasets and multi-target datasets are introduced. Bootstrapping is now possible for features and samples and you can cross-validate your model with k-folding. We polished various bits in the kernel machines and simplified the interface there.
The trait structure of regression metrics are simplified and the silhouette score introduced for easier testing of K-Means and other algorithms.
- improve documentation in all algorithms, various commits
- add a website to the infrastructure (c8acc78)
- add k-folding with and without copying (b0af805)
- add feature naming and pearson's cross correlation (7198962)
- improve ergonomics when handling kernels (1a7982b)
- improve TikZ generator in
(9d71f60) - introduce multi-target datasets (b231118)
- simplify regression metrics and add cluster metrics (d0363a1)
You can now perform cross-validation with k-folding. @Sauro98 actually implemented two versions, one which copies the dataset into k folds and one which avoid excessive memory operations by copying only the validation dataset around. For example to test a model with 8-folding:
// perform cross-validation with the F1 score
let f1_runs = dataset
.iter_fold(8, |v|
.map(|(model, valid)| {
let cm = model
.mapv(|x| x > Pr::even())
// calculate mean and standard deviation
println!("F1 score: {}±{}",
f1_runs.std_axis(Axis(0), 0.0),