Two AWS Lambda Functions that will work in tandem to generate Spotify Playlists based on recently listened to music.
- Provides the Handler function for the Data Retrieval Lambda.
- Grabs recently played songs and saves them to a DynamoDB
- The DynamoDB will allow me to get around the 50 recent song query limit built into the Spotify API long term.
- Triggered every 20 minutes by a Cloudwatch Trigger
- Provides the Handler function for the Playlist Creation Lambda.
- Grabs the recently played songs, dedupes them, and saves them to a playlist.
- Not currently triggered automatically, though it can run in the cloud via a manual trigger.
- It currently points to Spotifies API to get the recent songs, and needs to be updated to point to the DynamoDB.
- Contains Terraform defining the following infrastructure pieces in AWS
- The Data Retrieval Lambda
- The Playlist Creation Lambda
- The Song Long DynamoDB
- Hash key of user_id
- Range key of time_played_utc
- Various IAM Policies and Roles
- Currently there are no Code Pipelines, though that would be a valuable long term add.
To run locally, you will need to add a config.json file with the following schema in the local_runner folder
"client_id": "",
"client_secret": ""
"refresh_token": ""
You can get a client id and secret by creating an app here:
You can get a refresh token by following the OAuth2 flow against Spotify using Postman:
- A slight modification to this tutorial is that you will need a token with the following scopes:
- playlist-read-private
- playlist-modify-private
- user-read-recently-played
- user-top-read
There is an included local_runner app that imports a Lambda handler defined in the src folder and runs it locally.
This project is my first real experience with JS and Typescript, and I acknowledge that there are better ways to handle pieces of it, especially in terms of package management.