Warmingstripes show the temperature anomaly for each year (or a specific month of a year) in comparison to the reference period (here: 1971 - 2000). The idea is based on the original warming stripes invented by Ed Hawkins (https://showyourstripes.info/faq) and shall show the effects of the climate crisis on temperature.
This code creates warmingstripes from data of the Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD) for a selectable month of the year. You can chose to create a plot for as many federal states of Germany as you want or for the whole country.
Warmingstripes for Germany for each April in 1881 - 2020, blue = negative anomaly (lower mean temperature than average), red = positive anomaly (higher mean temperature than average).
The code is written in Python3 but can be easily adjusted to Python2.7 (see line 79 of the code for information)
- chose month you want to plot (line 19)
- chose local file path to store raw data as txt-file (line 21)
- chose federal states you want to plot (line 113) by adding the number of the state according to dictionary (lines 104 - 109)
- adjust colorbar by changing colors in function make_cmap or use a predifined colorbar from matplotlib
- adjust reference period to see how this changes the anomalies
- adjust the limits of the colorbar by chosing different standard deviations
Scientists for Future Leipzig