Log Anomaly detector made in TypeScript.
Use the node package manager to install log anomaly app.
npm install
2019-01-19 22:17:45:547 DEBUG LoadSpringControllers.java:89 [thread-main] - App Thread started.
npm start -- -t -l "{logs folder}" -o "{output file}" -s "{seive size}"
npm start -- -e -l "{logs folder}" -k "{pattern file}"
npm start -- -h
Log Anamoly App
Identifies the Anamolies in the logs
Options [ npm start -- <args> , Eg. npm start -- -l . ]
--logDir -l The input log files
--train -t Trains on the give logs and identifies the pattern
--test -e Identfies the Anamolies
--input -k Input pattern file
--seiveSize -s Size of seive to be used for training
--output -o Output file for knowledge
--help -h Print this usage guide.