Welcome to my primary project for the summer of 2018. I'm super excited to learn more about RL while developing some interesting game environments.
April 20, 2018 - The Beginning
April 21, 2018 - Graph not Array
May 10, 2018 - Visualizing as a Graph
May 12, 2018 - Visualizing on a Graph Instead
May 24, 2018 - Back to Square One
Follow instructions below to allow for visualization of game environments
- Install required package
pip install bokeh
Follow instructions below to allow for visualization of move history tree
- Install required package
pip install pydotplus
Download the GraphViz backend from the GraphViz Website. Install the executable found in the stable installs section
If the installation directory is not 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz#.##/bin/', then modify the GRAPHVIZ_BIN_PATH variable in config.py
- Practice implementing basic RL algorithms
- Practice incorporating Python programming best practices
- Practice object-oriented programming by developing game environments
- Profit???
- Implement TicTacToe game environment
- Implement QLearning algorithm (traditional table-based version)
- Implement Connect4 game environment based on TicTacToe environment
- Think through implementation of Ultimate TicTacToe (potentially much more computationally complex than Connect4)
The Beginning
- Consolidation of progress made
Graph not Array
Challenge #1: Recursively build graph-based game board
Goal: To allow for efficient implementation of heuristic evaluation compared to old array-based Connect4 implementation)
Problem: Every recursion, nodes are creating new neighboring nodes to connect to
→ MaximumRecursionExceed error as program infinitely loops through board creating neighbors to connect to
→ Need to find a way to allow nodes to check if other neighbors already created neighboring nodes, then if so, connect to them
Combined _get_neighbors and _propagate → more efficient to recursively generate the board while checking for existence of neighbors instead of after
Visualizing as a Graph
Challenge #2: Design a generalizable method for visualizing game environments
Goal: Minimize code repetition and practice writing modular code
Problem: After writing the algorithm for parsing data and implementing the graph visualization, I realized that the PyDotPlus graph visualization library cannot display the graph in any understandable way. Lack of control over node positioning means that I cannot faithfully replicate the Connect4 board - or any other structured game environment. Time to find another approach
Moved testing code to separate folder (+1 for modularity!!) - run "pytest" on command line to execute tests
Visualizing on a Graph Instead
Challenge #2 solved - Bokeh (data visualization tool) is an effective and generalizable way to display game environments
Refactored and cleaned up code - time to address Challenge #1 as I cannot integrate the visualization tool until I progress on building the actual Connect 4 environment
Back to Square One
Challenge #1 solved - I stored references to nodes in an array, and checked against array to determine whether I need to create new neighboring nodes. I created a simpler game environment (TicTacToe) to test this solution
Board visualizer with bokeh integrated with TicTacToe environment
Graph visualizer code is now redundant given bokeh visualization solution - I'm thinking I can use it to visualize move history trees instead later on
Modified project goals - I'll finish the entire TicTacToe environment first before moving to Connect4. This will make my life easier as the Connect4 environment is essentially a larger version of the TicTacToe environment
Taking a Step
Could: generate model for mapping every state to action (for usage for opponent, reverse piece values) - ALLOW FOR FASTER RUNTIME FOR RL ALGORITHMS