version 3!
- implementation of Hipparcos-Gaia catalog of accelerations fitting! (@semaphoreP)
- fit arbitrary absolute astrometry (@sblunt)
- implement O’Neil observation-based priors (@sblunt/@clarissardoo)
- discuss MCMC autocorrelation in MCMC tutorial (@michaelkmpoon)
- add time warning if OFTI doesn’t accept an orbit in first 60 s (@michaelkmpoon)
- add first parts of orbitize! manual (@sofiacovarrubias/@sblunt)
- bugfix for rebound MCMC fits (issue #357; @sblunt)
- implementation of residual plotting method for orbit plots (@Saanikachoudhary and @semaphoreP)
- plot companion RVs (@chihchunhsu)
- add documentation about referencing issues when modifying priors to tutorial (@wcroberson)