Scalable is a modular business software solution.
In Scalable you can add / remove so called modules which provide business related functionality such as:
- Contacts
- Todos
- Notes
- Calendar
- ...
Modules run as loosely coupled microservices.
By adding only the modules you need / develop your own modules you can compose the business software you always wanted.
Fill out all the necessary information in settings.json and run the application on a free port:
e.g. meteor --settings settings.json --port 3000
An admin user will be created with the following credentials:
E-Mail: [email protected]
Password: 12345678
Note: Change the password as soon as possible!
After that pick a module (e.g. the Todos module) and run this module separately on another port. It will register itself as a Scalable module and should be visible in the workspace after a few seconds.
We highly welcome any kind of contribution. Just open up an issue or send a pull request.