Command line tool to generate a visual representation for every format of the RS Classic (RSC) landscape files.
Drag landscape files into the appropriate directory for its type
For RSCD, [input/rscd/Landscape.rscd]
For Jag (maps28 and over), [input/jag/maps.jag; input/jag/land.jag; input/jag/maps.mem; input/jag/land.mem]
For Jag Legacy (maps27 and under), [input/jag-legacy/maps.jag]
Note: I've already preloaded some maps for each file format
java -jar dist/mapgen.jar [rscd|jag|jag-legacy]
map14 (Creation of major cities and player owned houses) - PICTURE
map19 (Creation of karamja volcano) - PICTURE
map22 (Removal of player owned houses in varrock and falador) - PICTURE
map27 (Creation of the wilderness and crandor isle) - PICTURE
Here's an ingame screenshot of map14 at varrock POH's - PICTURE
I've supplied a legacy map pack (.zip) if you're curious to test them out yourself
Here's a legacy map pack (.zip) if you're curious to test them out yourself - LINK