ECE1512 Project A: Visual Interpretation of Convolutional Neural Networks
Welcome to our ECE1512 repo!
Under the project A folder, you will find MNIST1D.ipynb and HMT.ipynb which contain all the code, figures, and solutions to the questions.
In each notebook, the results are generated inline along with all the responses to the questions. However, if you want to run the code, you'll have to change the hardcoded path to the correct ones. All training and testing images in the HMT dataset are also included in our repo. If you want to run the code, please use the correct path to those training/testing data.
Since our report is 20 pages long and is not organized to answer all the questions in order, we provided inline solution in the notebook. Each section has been labeled to match the corresponding question asked in the manual, but due to the formatting in Colab, it may not be the prettiest thing to look at. You will find a code section following a text block with explanations/answers. If we didn't include a particular solution in the notebook, it's because those are placed at the end of our experiment section or in the conclusion section in the report!