.NET library providing quick and simple symmetric cryptographic functions using Simple Encryption (AES) and Authentication (HMAC).
QuickCrypt is a simple .NET class library targeting the .NET Standard 2.0. Provides interfaces and implementation for encrypting and decrypting bytes and strings using symmetric cryptography. Also provides a random key generator to use during the cryptographic process.
QuickCrypt will soon be available as a [Nuget Package]. Add to any .NET project (supporting .NET Standard 2.0) via Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio or via Package Manager Console.
QuickCrypt includes extensions to add its interfaces and default implementation to IServiceCollection
Default implementation will set the credentials/key for cryptography functions from a RandomNumberGenerator value per scope of the service provider.
Optionally provide configuration values that include custom credentials/key and settings (bit sizes, iterations, etc.) used for all QuickCrypt cryptography functions in the application:
services.AddQuickCrypt(new AesHmacCredentials(key: "MY_KEY", authKey: "MY_AUTH_KEY"), new QuickCryptSettings() { ... });
Inject QuickCrypt interface IEncryptor
to encrypt a payload of string or bytes. Inject QuickCrypt interface IDecryptor
to decrypt a payload of string or bytes.
public class SecureService
private readonly IEncryptor _encryptor;
private readonly IDecryptor _decryptor;
public SecureService(IEncryptor encryptor, IDecryptor decryptor)
_encryptor = encryptor;
_decryptor = decryptor;
public void DoWork()
// examples using byte array:
byte[] bytesToEncrypt = GetSomeBytesToEncrypt();
byte[] encryptedBytes = _encryptor.Encrypt(bytesToEncrypt);
byte[] decryptedBytes = _decryptor.Decrypt(encryptedBytes);
// examples using string:
string stringToEncrypt = GetSomeStringToEncrypt();
string encryptedString = _encryptor.EncryptToString(stringToEncrypt);
string decryptedString = _decryptor.DecryptToString(encryptedString);
// NOTE: byte array functions AND string functions can also convert from one or the other
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are more than welcome!
The code in this project is licensed under MIT license. View the license here