Don't comment bad code – rewrite it – Brian Kernighan.
I’m a product-aware iOS engineer who understands the need for tested, resilient code balanced against the need to move fast and iterate. I am passionate about platforms and always looking at opportunities to widen my knowledge. You'll find here several repositories where I test different ideas, architectures and patterns. Feel free to reach out if I can help with anything at all.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning SwiftData (if you're from the future this was 2024...)
- 👯 I’m open to collaborate on open source projects and projects that impact a lot of lives
- 🤔 Given the ever-evolving nature of the iOS platform, I am committed to continuous improvement. You can't catch me idle.
- 💬 Ask me about iOS, Swift, MacOS
- 📫 How to reach me: X (formerly twitter), linkedin
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love listening to music and if I love a song I can have it on repeat for days 😁
- 🛠 SOLID ways of designng Software
- ✨ Very Clean Code
- 🏗 Fast and Scalable Architecture
- 🧪 Testing (TDD, BDD, Unit Testing)
- 🔁 Automation (CI/CD)
- ♿️ Accessibility in iOS
- 📱 Designing and building stunning UIs and animations
- 🚦 Exploring iOS frameworks(UIKit, SwiftUI, CoreData, Combine, CoreLocation, CloudKit, ...)