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sgsutcliffe authored Dec 22, 2022
1 parent 6eeb71d commit d91a02a
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Showing 7 changed files with 2,664 additions and 0 deletions.
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Nov 19 15:54:15 2020
@author: steven

from Bio import SeqIO

import csv

#loading in the file with three columns 1 bacterial bin contig name 2 base site 3 coverage output from mpileup
tsv_file = open(path_mpileup)

read_tsv = csv.reader(tsv_file, delimiter="\t")

#turns tsv into a list of lists, each list is a row
mpileup = []
for row in read_tsv:


contig_list = []

#makes a list of all contigs in tsv
for n in mpileup:
if n[0] not in contig_list:

print('made contig list')

#iterate through all the contigs and see if there is a prophage region and add them to the dictionary

prophage_regions = []

#contig by contig
for contig in contig_list:

#this takes all lines that belong to this specifc contig and makes a contig specific pileup list
mpileup_contig = []

#collect all base-pairs or rows for a contig
for i in mpileup:

if i[0] == contig:


#For regions where there were no hits mpileup skips these lines, so I added a zero coverage value to fill in the 'gaps'
for k in range(1,len(mpileup_contig)):

if (int(mpileup_contig[k-1][1]) + 1) != (int(mpileup_contig[k][1])):

mpileup_contig.insert(int(k), [contig, (int(mpileup_contig[k-1][1]) + 1), 0])

#Now we calculate coverage for a sliding window I can define
sliding_window = 1000

#Set a min coverage to alert me
min_coverage = 10
contig_coverage = 0

#Go over contig measure number of reads that map to each base
for d in range(0,(len(mpileup_contig) - sliding_window)):
contig_reads = 0
for q in range(d,(d + sliding_window)):
contig_reads += int(mpileup_contig[q][2])

#calculate coverage
contig_coverage = contig_reads/sliding_window

if contig_coverage >= min_coverage:
# print(contig)
# print(str(d) + ":" + str(d + sliding_window))
# print(contig_coverage)
# print(d)
prophage_regions.append([contig, d, (d+sliding_window)])

for b in range(0,len(prophage_regions)):
outF = open("prophage_regions_step1.txt", "a")
outF.writelines(str(prophage_regions[b][0]) + ' ' + str(prophage_regions[b][1]) + ' ' + str(prophage_regions[b][2]) + '\n')

print('found prophage regions')

for n in range(0, len(prophage_regions)):

while (len(prophage_regions) > (n + 1)) and (prophage_regions[n][0] == prophage_regions[n+1][0]) and (int(prophage_regions[n][2]) > int(prophage_regions[n+1][1])):
prophage_regions[n][2] = prophage_regions[n+1][2]

for op in range(0,len(prophage_regions)):
outF = open("prophage_regions_step1.txt", "a")
outF.writelines(str(prophage_regions[op][0]) + ' ' + str(prophage_regions[op][1]) + ' ' + str(prophage_regions[op][2]) + '\n')


#Here I load in the concatenated fasta file of all the bacterial bins involved in the study
bacterial_bin = {}
for seq_record1 in SeqIO.parse("Data_For_Scripts/Final_Collection_DAS_check_MAGs.fa"", "fasta"):
bacterial_bin[] = seq_record1.seq

for b1 in range(0, len(prophage_regions)):
if prophage_regions[b1][0] in bacterial_bin:

outF = open("bowtie_prophages_DASins.fa", "a")
outF.writelines(">" + prophage_regions[b1][0] + '\n')
outF.writelines(bacterial_bin[prophage_regions[b1][0]][(int(prophage_regions[b1][1])):(int(prophage_regions[b1][2]))] + '\n')


106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions MAGS_relative_abundance.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
#Open packages

#Relative abundances from CheckM
SRR828645_profile <- read.delim("SRR828645_profile", header = TRUE, col.names = c('BinId', 'BinSize', 'MappedReads', 'Perc_Mapped_Reads', 'Percen_binned_population', 'Perc_community'))
SRR828660_profile <- read.delim("SRR828660_profile", header = TRUE, col.names = c('BinId', 'BinSize', 'MappedReads', 'Perc_Mapped_Reads', 'Percen_binned_population', 'Perc_community'))
SRR828661_profile <- read.delim("SRR828661_profile", header = TRUE, col.names = c('BinId', 'BinSize', 'MappedReads', 'Perc_Mapped_Reads', 'Percen_binned_population', 'Perc_community'))

#Elsewhere I turned the GTDB_tk into a phylogentically sorted list
phylo_GTDB_tk <- read.csv("phylogeny_of_bins.csv", header = TRUE)
phylo_GTDB_tk$GTDB_taxa <- as.factor(phylo_GTDB_tk$GTDB_taxa)

#Create a normalized for genome size percent of mapped reads

SRR828645_profile$norm_reads <- (SRR828645_profile$MappedReads/(SRR828645_profile$BinSize*100000000))
SRR828645_norm_reads <- sum(SRR828645_profile$norm_reads)
SRR828645_profile$norm_perc_reads <- (SRR828645_profile$norm_reads/SRR828645_norm_reads)*100
SRR828645_mini <- cbind(SRR828645_profile$BinId, SRR828645_profile$norm_reads, (replicate(25, "week1")))
colnames(SRR828645_mini) <- c('BinID', 'NormPercReads', 'Week')
SRR828645_mini <-

SRR828661_profile$norm_reads <- (SRR828661_profile$MappedReads/(SRR828661_profile$BinSize*100000000))
SRR828661_norm_reads <- sum(SRR828661_profile$norm_reads)
SRR828661_profile$norm_perc_reads <- (SRR828661_profile$norm_reads/SRR828661_norm_reads)*100
SRR828661_mini <- cbind(SRR828661_profile$BinId, SRR828661_profile$norm_reads, (replicate(25, "week2")))
colnames(SRR828661_mini) <- c('BinID', 'NormPercReads', 'Week')
SRR828661_mini <-

SRR828660_profile$norm_reads <- (SRR828660_profile$MappedReads/(SRR828660_profile$BinSize*100000000))
SRR828660_norm_reads <- sum(SRR828660_profile$norm_reads)
SRR828660_profile$norm_perc_reads <- (SRR828660_profile$norm_reads/SRR828660_norm_reads)*100
SRR828660_mini <- cbind(SRR828660_profile$BinId, SRR828660_profile$norm_reads, (replicate(25, "week3")))
colnames(SRR828660_mini) <- c('BinID', 'NormPercReads', 'Week')
SRR828660_mini <-

all_weeks <- rbind(SRR828645_mini,SRR828660_mini,SRR828661_mini)
all_weeks <- transform(all_weeks, NormPercReads = as.numeric(NormPercReads))
all_weeks$BinID <- phylo_GTDB_tk[(match(all_weeks$BinID,phylo_GTDB_tk$Bin)),9]
all_weeks$BinID <- factor(all_weeks$BinID, levels = phylo_GTDB_tk$GTDB_taxa)

stacked_norm_perc <- ggplot(all_weeks, aes(fill=BinID, y=NormPercReads, x=Week,)) +
geom_bar(position="fill", stat="identity") + xlab(label = element_blank()) + ylab(label = "Relative Abundance") + scale_fill_igv() + theme_bw() +theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +theme(panel.border = element_blank())

stacked_norm_perc <- stacked_norm_perc + labs(fill = 'Bacteria')
#save as .svg
ggsave(file="stacked_norm_perc.svg", plot=stacked_norm_perc, width=10, height=8)

#Alejandro wanted me to try an alternative order, specifically in order of the most abundant bacteria.

#I interpreted this as the most abundant bacteria over the three days, the noramlized by each day or percentage of reads.

abundance_order <- rbind(SRR828645_mini,SRR828660_mini,SRR828661_mini)
abundance_order$NormPercReads <- as.numeric(abundance_order$NormPercReads)
binorder <- abundance_order %>% group_by(BinID) %>% summarise(total_abund = sum(NormPercReads)) %>% arrange(desc(total_abund)) %>% select(BinID)
abundance_order <- transform(abundance_order, NormPercReads = as.numeric(NormPercReads))
abundance_order$BinID <- factor(abundance_order$BinID, levels = binorder$BinID)
abundance_order$Bacteria <- phylo_GTDB_tk[(match(abundance_order$BinID,phylo_GTDB_tk$Bin)),9]
abundance_order$Bacteria <- as.character(abundance_order$Bacteria)
abundance_order$Bacteria <- factor(abundance_order$Bacteria, levels = phylo_GTDB_tk[(match(binorder$BinID,phylo_GTDB_tk$Bin)),9])

stacked_norm_perc2 <- ggplot(abundance_order, aes(fill=Bacteria, y=NormPercReads, x=Week)) +
geom_bar(position="fill", stat="identity") + xlab(label = element_blank()) + ylab(label = "Relative Abundance") + scale_fill_igv() + theme_bw() +theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + theme(panel.border = element_blank()) +
+ theme(text = element_text(size = 10))
stacked_norm_perc2 + theme(text = element_text(size = 10)) + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 20)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 20))
stacked_norm_perc2 <- stacked_norm_perc2 + theme(text = element_text(size = 10)) + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 20)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 10)) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=1))
ggsave(file="stacked_norm_perc2.svg", plot=stacked_norm_perc2 )#, width=10, height=8)

#I will try it based on abundance of week 1

abundance_order2 <- rbind(SRR828645_mini,SRR828660_mini,SRR828661_mini)
abundance_order2$NormPercReads <- as.numeric(abundance_order2$NormPercReads)
binorder2 <- abundance_order2 %>% group_by(BinID) %>% filter(Week == 'week1') %>% arrange(desc(NormPercReads))
abundance_order2 <- transform(abundance_order2, NormPercReads = as.numeric(NormPercReads))
abundance_order2$BinID <- factor(abundance_order2$BinID, levels = binorder2$BinID)
abundance_order2$Bacteria <- phylo_GTDB_tk[(match(abundance_order2$BinID,phylo_GTDB_tk$Bin)),9]
abundance_order2$Bacteria <- as.character(abundance_order2$Bacteria)
abundance_order2$Bacteria <- factor(abundance_order2$Bacteria, levels = phylo_GTDB_tk[(match(binorder2$BinID,phylo_GTDB_tk$Bin)),9])
stacked_norm_perc3 <- ggplot(abundance_order2, aes(fill=Bacteria, y=NormPercReads, x=Week,)) +
geom_bar(position="fill", stat="identity") + xlab(label = element_blank()) + ylab(label = "Relative Abundance") + scale_fill_igv() + theme_bw() +theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +theme(panel.border = element_blank())


#The order for organizing bacteria for figures is
bacteria_order <-$BinID)
bacteria_order$`binorder$BinID` <- phylo_GTDB_tk[(match(bacteria_order$`binorder$BinID`,phylo_GTDB_tk$Bin)),9]
write_csv(bacteria_order, file = 'bacteria_order.csv')

#Alternative colour schemes I could use
stacked_norm_perc + scale_fill_manual(values = rev(cols25(n=25)))
stacked_norm_perc + scale_fill_manual(values = cols25(n=26))
stacked_norm_perc + scale_fill_manual(values = (glasbey(n=25)))
stacked_norm_perc + scale_fill_manual(values = rev(glasbey(n=25)))
stacked_norm_perc + scale_fill_manual(values = rev(unname(polychrome(n=25))))
stacked_norm_perc + scale_fill_manual(values = rev(unname(alphabet(n=25))))
stacked_norm_perc + scale_fill_manual(values = (unname(alphabet(n=25))))


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