Releases: sigven/pcgr
Releases · sigven/pcgr
VEP 97.3
Added Cancer_NOS
v0.8.1 0.8.1 release
Bundle update + OpenTargets
- data bundle updates
- inclusion of OpenTargets association scores
- inclusion of TCGA distributions for mutational burden
- inclusion of more options for tumor-only variant filtering
Data bundle update and bug fixes
v0.7.0 0.7.0
Minor CNA bug
v0.6.2.1 release
GRCh38 and copy number annotation
Tier assignment fix
- Fixed reported bugs in tier assignment of variants
Python3 + grch38
- Updated data sources
- Enabling specification of tumor type of input sample
- New tier system for classification of variants (ACMG-like)
- VCF validation can be turned off
- Tumor DP/AF presets
- JSON dump of report content
- GRCh38 support
- Runs under Python3
Option fix
Corrects a bug with propagation of default options