Scott Bergler
Alex Garcia
Charley McGowan
Chris Rudnicky
Installation Instructions
Planned Additions
Usage Instructions
Application Testing
Known Errors
Technologies Used
Additional Resources
This website is meant to help Scott's sister manage her bakery business by allowing her customer to place orders online, storing order information in a database, allowing specific products to be displayed as appropriate, and reducing manual (pen & paper) data handling.
- App emails admin when new orders are placed.
- customer-facing views/functionality
- image upload
- database table(s) for ingredients/supplies/expenses
Clone the code from GitHub.
To set up your Mac for C#/ASP.NET Core programs:
Download .NET Core SDK (Software Development Kit);
Open the file to launch the installer. The default settings are alright.
Confirm the installation by running the command $ dotnet --version in the terminal. The response will be along the lines of 1.1.4.
Download Mono here.
Open the downloaded .pkg file to run the installation wizard.
Confirm the installation is successful by running the command $ mono --version. You should see a response including a version number similar to, but not necessarily exactly,
Instruction for PC/Windows are here.
- Expect:
Input: some input;
Output: some output;
HTML, CSS, Json, C#.
Scott Bergler :: [email protected]
Licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2018 ** Scott Bergler **