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Merge pull request #1187 from slaclab/AxiStreamTrailerRemove
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Adding AxiStreamTrailerRemove
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ruck314 authored Sep 9, 2024
2 parents e2b9721 + 0928e26 commit 2602ab8
Showing 1 changed file with 177 additions and 0 deletions.
177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions axi/axi-stream/rtl/AxiStreamTrailerRemove.vhd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
-- Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
-- Description:
-- Removes bytes from end of a AXI stream frame
-- This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'.
-- It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the
-- top-level directory of this distribution and at:
-- No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file,
-- may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to
-- the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

library surf;
use surf.StdRtlPkg.all;
use surf.AxiStreamPkg.all;

entity AxiStreamTrailerRemove is
generic (
TPD_G : time := 1 ns;
RST_ASYNC_G : boolean := false;
PIPE_STAGES_G : natural := 0;
BYTES_TO_RM_G : integer := 4;
AXI_CONFIG_G : AxiStreamConfigType);
port (
-- Clock and Reset
axisClk : in sl;
axisRst : in sl;
-- Inbound AXI Stream
sAxisMaster : in AxiStreamMasterType;
sAxisSlave : out AxiStreamSlaveType;
-- Inbound AXI Stream
mAxisMaster : out AxiStreamMasterType;
mAxisSlave : in AxiStreamSlaveType);
end entity AxiStreamTrailerRemove;

architecture rtl of AxiStreamTrailerRemove is

constant BYTES_C : positive := AXI_CONFIG_G.TDATA_BYTES_C;

type RegType is record
obMaster : AxiStreamMasterType;
ibSlave : AxiStreamSlaveType;
regularTLast : boolean;
end record RegType;

constant REG_INIT_C : RegType := (
obMaster => axiStreamMasterInit(AXI_CONFIG_G),
regularTLast => true);

signal r : RegType := REG_INIT_C;
signal rin : RegType;

signal pipeAxisMaster : AxiStreamMasterType;
signal pipeAxisSlave : AxiStreamSlaveType;
signal axisMasterToPipe : AxiStreamMasterType;
signal axisSlaveToPipe : AxiStreamSlaveType;
signal axisMasterPipe : AxiStreamMasterType;
signal axisSlavePipe : AxiStreamSlaveType;


-- Make sure data widths are appropriate
assert (BYTES_C >= BYTES_TO_RM_G)
report "Axi-Stream data widths must be greater or equal than trailer" severity failure;

-- Connect Pipe
axisMasterToPipe <= sAxisMaster;

-- Generate a delayed copy of incoming stream
AxiStreamPipeline_2 : entity surf.AxiStreamPipeline
generic map (
port map (
axisClk => axisClk,
axisRst => axisRst,
sAxisMaster => axisMasterToPipe,
-- sSideBand => sSideBand,
sAxisSlave => axisSlaveToPipe,
mAxisMaster => axisMasterPipe,
-- mSideBand => mSideBand,
mAxisSlave => axisSlavePipe);

comb : process (axisMasterPipe, axisRst, axisSlaveToPipe, pipeAxisSlave, r,
sAxisMaster) is
variable v : RegType;
variable ibM : AxiStreamMasterType;
variable count : integer range 0 to AXI_CONFIG_G.TDATA_BYTES_C;
variable toRm : integer range 0 to BYTES_TO_RM_G;
begin -- process comb
v := r;

-- Init ready
v.ibSlave.tReady := '0';

-- Choose ready source and clear valid
if (pipeAxisSlave.tReady = '1') then
v.obMaster.tValid := '0';
end if;

-- Accept input data
if v.obMaster.tValid = '0' and axisSlaveToPipe.tReady = '1' then
-- Get inbound data
ibM := axisMasterPipe;
v.ibSlave.tReady := '1';

if ibM.tValid = '1' and r.regularTLast then
v.obMaster := ibM;
if sAxisMaster.tLast = '1' then
count := getTKeep(sAxisMaster.tKeep, AXI_CONFIG_G);
if count <= BYTES_TO_RM_G then
v.regularTLast := false;
toRm := BYTES_TO_RM_G - count;
v.obMaster.tLast := '1';
count := getTKeep(ibM.tKeep, AXI_CONFIG_G);
v.obMaster.tKeep := (others => '0');
v.obMaster.tKeep((count - toRm)-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
end if;
end if;
if ibM.tLast = '1' then
count := getTKeep(ibM.tKeep, AXI_CONFIG_G);
v.obMaster.tKeep := (others => '0');
v.obMaster.tKeep((count - BYTES_TO_RM_G)-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
end if;
end if;
end if;

-- Outputs
sAxisSlave <= v.ibSlave;
axisSlavePipe <= pipeAxisSlave;
pipeAxisMaster <= r.obMaster;

-- Reset
if (RST_ASYNC_G = false and axisRst = '1') then
v := REG_INIT_C;
end if;

-- Register the variable for next clock cycle
rin <= v;

end process comb;

seq : process (axisClk, axisRst) is
if (RST_ASYNC_G) and (axisRst = '1') then
r <= REG_INIT_C after TPD_G;
elsif rising_edge(axisClk) then
r <= rin after TPD_G;
end if;
end process seq;

-- Optional output pipeline registers to ease timing
AxiStreamPipeline_1 : entity surf.AxiStreamPipeline
generic map (
port map (
axisClk => axisClk,
axisRst => axisRst,
sAxisMaster => pipeAxisMaster,
sAxisSlave => pipeAxisSlave,
mAxisMaster => mAxisMaster,
mAxisSlave => mAxisSlave);

end architecture rtl;

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