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a php written mysql workbench file reader to transform the database scheme to useful other schemes like Doctrine


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What is MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter?

MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter is a library to transform the MySQL Workbench model (*.mwb) to useful another schemas.

It is inspired by mysql-workbench-doctrine-plugin.

Currently, MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter can export the model to the following schemas:


  • PHP 5.3+
  • Composer to install the dependencies

Installing Dependencies

To fetch the defined dependencies into your local project, just run the install command of composer.phar.

$ php composer.phar install

Configuring MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter

MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter can be configured at runtime using methods:

  • Setup options.
  • Model comment, either applied to table, column, or foreign key object.

Both methods accept different options, and generally divided as common options and exporter (formatter) specific options.

Common Setup Options

General options applied to all formatter.

  • filename

    The output filename format, use the following tag %schema%, %table%, %entity%, and %extension% to allow the filename to be replaced with contextual data.

    Default is %entity%.%extension%.

  • indentation

    The indentation size for generated code.

  • useTabs

    Use tabs for indentation instead of spaces. Setting this option will ignore the indentation-option.

  • eolDelimeter

    EOL type for generated code. Supported EOLs are win and unix.

  • addGeneratorInfoAsComment

    Add generator information to the generated code as a comment.

    Default is true.

  • skipPluralNameChecking

    Skip checking the plural name of model and leave as is, useful for non English table names.

    Default is false.

  • backupExistingFile

    If target already exists create a backup before replacing the content.

    Default is true.

  • enhanceManyToManyDetection

    If enabled, many to many relations between tables will be added to generated code.

    Default is true.

  • sortTablesAndViews

    If enabled, sorting of tables and views is performed prior to code generation for each table and view. For table, it sorted by table model name and for view sorted by view model name.

    Default is true.

  • logToConsole

    If enabled, output the log to console.

    Default is false.

  • logFile

    If specified, output the log to a file. If this option presence, option logToConsole will be ignored instead.

    Default is empty.

Common Model Comment Behavior

  • {MwbExporter:external}true{/MwbExporter:external} (applied to Table, View)

    Mark table/view as external to skip table/view code generation. For Doctrine use {d:external}true{/d:external} instead.

Formatter Setup Options


Doctrine 1.0 YAML Schema

Setup Options
  • extendTableNameWithSchemaName

    Include schema name beside the table name.

    Default is false.

Model Comment Behavior
  • {d:externalRelations}relation{/d:externalRelations}

  • {MwbExporter:actAs}actAs: [Timestampable]{/MwbExporter:actAs}

    The following example export Doctrine behavior by using Table comment:

  • Foreign key name

    To replace relations name by the name of the foreign key, start the foreign key name with d:.

Doctrine 2.0 YAML Schema

Setup Options
  • useAutomaticRepository

    Automatically generate entity repository class name.

  • bundleNamespace

    The global namespace prefix for entity class name.

  • entityNamespace

    The entity namespace.

    Default is Entity.

  • repositoryNamespace

    The namespace prefix for entity repository class name. For this configuration to apply, useAutomaticRepository must be set to true.

  • extendTableNameWithSchemaName

    Include schema name beside the table name.

    Default is false.

Doctrine 2.0 Annotation

Setup Options
  • useAnnotationPrefix

    Doctrine annotation prefix.

    Default is ORM\.

  • useAutomaticRepository

    See above.

  • bundleNamespace

    See above.

  • entityNamespace

    See above.

  • repositoryNamespace

    See above.

  • skipGetterAndSetter

    Don't generate columns getter and setter.

    Default is false.

  • skipColumnWithManyRelation

    Don't generate columns variable and columns getter and setter which has many to relation to other table.

    Default is false.

  • generateEntitySerialization

    Generate method __sleep() to include only real columns when entity is serialized.

    Default is true.

  • generateExtendableEntity

    Generate two class for each tables in schema, one for base and one other for extend class. The extend class would not be generated if it already exist. So it is safe to place custom code inside the extend class.

    This option will generate entity using Single Table Inheritance.

    Default is false.

  • quoteIdentifierStrategy

    This option determine wheter identifier quoting is applied or not, depend on the strategy value.

    • auto, indentifier quoting enabled if identifier is a reserved word.
    • always, always quote identifier.
    • none, never quote identifier.

    Default is auto.

Model Comment Behavior
  • {d:bundleNamespace}AcmeBundle{/d:bundleNamespace} (applied to Table)

    Override bundleNamespace option.

  • {d:m2m}false{/d:m2m} (applied to Table)

    MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter tries to automatically guess which tables are many-to-many mapping tables and will not generate entity classes for these tables.

    A table is considered a mapping table, if it contains exactly two foreign keys to different tables and those tables are not many-to-many mapping tables.

    Sometimes this guessing is incorrect for you. But you can add a hint in the comment of the table, to show that it is no mapping table. Just use {d:m2m}false{/d:m2m} anywhere in the comment of the table.

  • {d:unidirectional}true{/d:unidirectional} (applied to ForeignKey)

    All foreign keys will result in a bidirectional relation by default. If you only want a unidirectional relation, add a flag to the comment of the foreign key.

  • {d:owningSide}true{/d:owningSide} (applied to ForeignKey)

    In a bi-directional many-to-many mapping table the owning side of the relation is randomly selected. If you add this hint to one foreign key of the m2m-table, you can define the owning side for Doctrine.

  • {d:cascade}persist, merge, remove, detach, all{/d:cascade} (applied to ForeignKey)

    You can specify Doctrine cascade options as a comment on a foreign key. They will be generated into the Annotation. (Reference)

  • {d:fetch}EAGER{/d:fetch} (applied to ForeignKey)

    You can specify the fetch type for relations in the comment of a foreign key. (EAGER or LAZY, doctrine default is LAZY)

  • {d:orphanRemoval}true{/d:orphanRemoval} (applied to ForeignKey)

    Another option you can set in the comments of foreign key. (Reference)

  • {d:order}column{/d:order} (applied to ForeignKey)

    Apply OrderBy annotation to One To Many and Many To Many relation. OrderBy annotation can be written in the following format:


    Multiple columns are supported, separated by line break. Example usage:


Doctrine 2.0 Annotation with ZF2 Input Filter Classes

Doctrine 2.0 Annotation with ZF2 Input Filter Classes formatter directly extend Doctrine 2.0 Annotation. The setup options and model comment behavior exactly the same as Doctrine 2.0 Annotation with the following addons.

Setup Options
  • generateEntityPopulate

    Generate populate() method for entity class.

    Default is true.

  • generateEntityGetArrayCopy

    Generate getArrayCopy() method for entity class.

    Default is true.


Propel 1.x XML Schema

Setup Options
  • namespace

    The table namespace.

  • addVendor

    Add mysql specific vendor info into the generated content.

    Default is false.

Propel 1.x YAML Schema

Setup Options
  • generateSimpleColumn

    If enabled, use simple column definition. Table columns considered as simple column are created_at and updated_at.

    Default is false.

  • package

    Model package.

    Default is lib.model.

Model Comment Behavior
  • {propel:allowPkInsert}true{/propel:allowPkInsert} (applied to Table)

    Allow primary key value insertion if its an auto increment column.

  • {propel:propel_behaviors}behavior{/propel:propel_behaviors} (applied to Table)

    Propel behaviors definition, written in YAML format.

    Example usage:

  • {propel:behaviors}behavior{/propel:behaviors} (applied to Table)

    Custom behaviors definition, written in YAML format.


Zend DbTable

Setup Options
  • tablePrefix

    Table prefix for generated class.

    Default is Application_Model_DbTable_.

  • parentTable

    Ancestor class, the class to extend for generated class.

    Default is Zend_Db_Table_Abstract.

  • generateDRI

    Generate dependentTables map.

    Default is false.

  • generateGetterSetter

    Not implemented yet.

Zend Rest Controller

Setup Options
  • tablePrefix

    See above.

    Default is empty.

  • parentTable

    See above.

    Default is Zend_Rest_Controller.


ExtJS3 Model

Setup Options
  • classPrefix

    Class prefix for generated object.

    Default is SysX.App.

  • parentClass

    Ancestor object, the class to extend for generated javascript object.

    Default is SysX.Ui.App.

ExtJS4 Model

Setup Options
  • classPrefix

    Class prefix for generated object.

    Default is App.model.

  • parentClass

    Ancestor object, the class to extend for generated javascript object.

    Default is

  • generateValidation

    Generate columns validation.

    Default is true.

  • generateProxy

    Generate ajax proxy.

    Default is true.

  • addIdProperty

    Add the primary key of a table as the model's idProperty. (Reference)

    Default is false.


Sequelize Model

Currently, none of specific option can be configured for Sequelize Model.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

The mysql-workbench-schema-export command helps export a workbench schema model directly from command line. It has feature to customize export configuration before exporting. By default, it will use config file export.json located in the current directory to supply the parameter if it find it. To disable this behaviour, see the option below.

Command usage:

php bin/mysql-workbench-schema-export [options] FILE [DEST]


  • FILE

    The MySQL Workbench model file to export.

  • DEST

    The destination directory (optional), if not specified current directory assumed.


  • --export=type

Choose the result of the export, supported type can be obtained using --list-exporter. If this option is omitted and no config file found, the CLI will prompt to choose which exporter to use.

  • --config=file

Read export parameters from file (in JSON format).

  • --saveconfig

Save export parameters to file export.json, later can be used as value for --config=file.

  • --list-exporter

Show all available exporter.

  • --no-auto-config

Disable automatic config file lookup.

  • --zip

Compress the result.

  • --help

Show the usage (or suppress any parameters).

Sample usage:

php bin/mysql-workbench-schema-export --export=doctrine1-yaml example/data/test.mwb ./generated
php bin/mysql-workbench-schema-export --zip example/data/test.mwb

Sample export parameters (JSON) for doctrine2-annotation:

    "export": "doctrine2-annotation",
    "zip": false,
    "dir": "temp",
    "params": {
        "backupExistingFile": true,
        "skipPluralNameChecking": false,
        "enhanceManyToManyDetection": true,
        "bundleNamespace": "",
        "entityNamespace": "",
        "repositoryNamespace": "",
        "useAnnotationPrefix": "ORM\\",
        "useAutomaticRepository": true,
        "indentation": 4,
        "filename": "%entity%.%extension%",
        "quoteIdentifier": false

Using MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter as Library

If you want to use MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter as a library for other project. See the included usage in the example folder.

Test Database



a php written mysql workbench file reader to transform the database scheme to useful other schemes like Doctrine







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