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This repository contains ROS packages for dynamic goal handling, including plugins, utilities, and test cases for robust navigation in robot systems. It is structured into three primary packages: dyn_goal, and two modifications to voxel_grid and costmap_2d packages.

Our approach to dynamic goal handling is inspired by the multimodal navigation method presented in the following paper:

  author={Bettencourt, Rui and Lima, Pedro U.},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC)}, 
  title={Multimodal Navigation for Autonomous Service Robots}, 

The method proposed by Bettencourt and Lima introduces a multimodal navigation system that combines different navigation strategies to achieve robust and efficient navigation in complex environments.

Our implementation incorporates these concepts to create a flexible and robust dynamic goal handling system that can adapt to changing environments and goals.

Dependencies Packages Overview

  1. costmap_2d

This package provides the core components to work with 2D costmaps, which are essential for navigation in ROS-based systems. It includes various plugins, configuration files, and test cases. Key Changes to original costmap_2d:

It does not add costmap information from the sensors if dynamic goal is active around the frame to follow.
  1. voxel_grid

The voxel_grid package provides an efficient 3D voxel representation for obstacle and environment mapping, commonly used in navigation systems. Changes were made to make this code compatible with dyn_goal.

Package description


This package provides the logic and infrastructure to handle dynamic goals in a robot navigation system. It is split into ROS-dependent and ROS-independent components. Key Directories and Files:

ros/src/dyn_goal_ros/: ROS-dependent scripts, including and
msg/: Message definition dyn_goal_msg.msg for sending dynamic goals between nodes.
launch/: Launch files for bringing up the dyn_goal node and other configurations.
scripts/: Executable scripts such as dyn_goal_node and topic_to_tf_node for testing and running the dynamic goal system.

ROS Nodes:

dyn_goal_node: Node that processes dynamic goal information. A utility script to test teleoperation and transformation logic.


  1. Clone the repository into your ROS workspace:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone <repository_url>
  1. Build the workspace:
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build
  1. Source the workspace:
source devel/setup.bash


You can launch the dyn_goal node with:

roslaunch dyn_goal dyn_goal.launch

To test the method you can teleoperate the tf by running:

python3 ros/src/dyn_goal_ros/


This repository incorporates code from the ros-planning/navigation repository for the costmap_2d and voxel_grid packages. We acknowledge and appreciate the contributions from the ROS community.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.