Command Line Binary
Purpose: Create Job
Parameters: Generic Parameters for AE Connection (all of them can be specified in connection.config file directly):
-H: Hostname for Automation Engine
-P: Primary CP Port (2217 by default)
-L: Login to Automation Engine
-D: Department
-W: Password
-C: Client
-help: Show the list of Generic Options
Module Specific Parameters:
-h: Show the list of Specific Parameters
-jobname: [MANDATORY] Name of Job to create
-template: [MANDATORY] Template for job creation (ex: JOBS.WIN, JOBS.UNX)
-folder: [MANDATORY] Folder in which to create the object
-login: [OPTIONAL] Login for Job
-host: [OPTIONAL] Host for Job
-process: [OPTIONAL] Content of process tab
-title: [OPTIONAL] Title of Job object
-queue: [OPTIONAL] Queue of job object
-timezone: [OPTIONAL] Timezone of job object
-priority: [OPTIONAL] Job priority
-genatruntime [OPTIONAL] Generate At Runtime
-maxparallelrun: [OPTIONAL] Max Parallel Run
-inactive [OPTIONAL] Active or Inactive Job
-preprocess: [OPTIONAL] Content of preprocess tab
-postprocess: [OPTIONAL] Content of postprocess tab