Please note that this is a placeholder site. This is not representative of the websites that I can create.
I’m a Junior computer science student in a specialty school in Arizona. I am nearly entirely self-taught, I spend most of my personal time programming, and occasionally playing games with friends. I value user experience, performance, maintainability and quality of code. I always try my best to write software the best way I know how to. I try by best to make clean, concise source code that will subsequently be maintainable in the future.
My favorite languages are D and Python. I have a love/hate relationship with JavaScript/CSS/HTML. I use preprocessors when it's convenient.
My first real programming language was Java, with which I created my first Minecraft mod. I've since forgotten most of what I knew about it.
If you you value my work and would like to show your appreciation, please consider making a small donation!
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No project is ever truly complete. If there are bugs, or important features that need to be fixed or added, I will do so. Many projects marked as "complete" are simply in a functioning state, which I would personally consider to be ready for public release.
- Search Deflector
- An alternative to EdgeDeflector and SearchWithMyBrowser that redirects searches to any search engine of your choice.
- This is what I would consider to be my most successful project. It is additionally where I taught myself D.
Maybe list on Microsoft Store, package as UWP (TODO).- Done! You can get the store version here.
- Clone by Path
- A simple command that, when invoked, attempts to parse a repository path from your current working directory path.
- VS Code SmoothType
- An extension to add a smooth typing animation to Visual Studio Code, similar to Microsoft Office and the Windows 10 Mail app.
- See it on the Marketplace.
- Native Dark
- Theme for Firefox Quantum that was originally intended to match your Windows accent color and style the browser appropriately. It has since grown into a much larger cross-platform WebExtension.
- Second-place winner of the Firefox Quantum Extensions Challenge.
- Essential Additions
- My very first ever experience programming (and in creating a semi-successful project). The original was for MC 1.7.10.
- First experience with basic trigonometry was with the Ender Eye block, finding the player and watching them like an eyeball.
- Now unmaintained. The website is broken, but I had some cool stuff on there, such as the Releases page.
- The website (almost) my first real experience using JavaScript and the GitHub API for something practical.
- I decompiled and demangled the sources manually, and updated the mod for all versions up to 1.11.2.
- The original sources were written when I was approximately 9 years old, and I found a compiled archive on an old flash drive. For the sake of practice, I re-learned Java to rewrite the mod completely, in the 1.7.10 branch.
- On the CurseForge project page there is a lot more information about what this does, along with some nice screenshots.
- GitHub Extended
- A WebExtension to add metadata to GitHub's website, notmally only accessible through their API.
- Example: Download counts.
- Litemeter
- Experimental lightweight alternative to Rainmeter, low system resources and high performance.
- New Style Widgets
- Fast and lightweight GUI library built on top of modules drom Adam's arsd.
- TileDWM
- Tiling psuedo-window manager on Windows.
- A simple and to-the-point program to imitate the functionality of tiling window managers on Linux, such as bspwm and i3wm.
- Full control over hotkeys to manage the positioning of windows.
Almost all of the forked repositories that I have contributed can be found in my "Forked Repositories" organization on GitHub (namespace spikespaz-forks
). If the fork is dramatic enough to be considered a spin-off project, they will be hosted in my normal user account, spikespaz.
Some of these are Awesome Lists (curated lists of cool stuff relating to a topic). I try to add my projects (if they are worthy) to lists for visibility, to bring in more users and garner interest.
- Augment Echo's Website
- Styling fixes, content improvement, general help for my friend.
- Basically all of the PRs for that repository are by me.
- VS Code Fix Checksums
- Extension to fix Code's checksums after modifying core files, as SmoothType does.
- Improved by adding a UAC/Sudo prompt when requiring elevation in PR #1.
- VS Code to Hastebin
- Organize and refractor code.
- Added some improvements to the notifications it sends.
- Added file extension to Hastebin link so syntax highlighting works correctly.
- Pull request #1.
- Dawnlabs Carbon
- Added Windows 10 window style to settings in PR #508.
- Code Monkeys Organization
- This is my Discord server that I am the founder of.
- I created the GitHub organization to be the home of community projects.
- I contribute to most of these projects (if they are in a language that I know).
- Surge
- Fork of the Minecraft Mod Surge. This is now being updated by the original author.
- The author was inactive to I took the initiative to fork the project and create an unofficial port to 1.11.2.
- Originally created for use in several of my mod packs.
- iChunUtil
- Like Surge, a fork of iChun's coremod to resolve outdated dependencies in Mob Dismemberment.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.11.2.
- Mob Dismemberment
- Another 1.11.2 port of a favorite Minecraft mod by iChun.
- Dependant on my iChunUtil 1.11.2 fork.
- Original is now updated.
- ForgeCreeperHeal
- Another fork of a Minecraft mod to update to 1.11.2.
- Original is now unmaintained.
- Awesome VS Code
- Added SmoothType extension as PR #179.
- Awesome Windows
- Added Search Deflector as PR #190.
- Awesome Free Software
- Added Search Deflector as PR #21.
- Promised on Reddit but I haven’t had time to start.
- Voice Attack clone specifically tailored to Elite Dangerous.
- Does everything based on user keymaps.
- Make this site pretty and stuff, ready for presentation.
- Possibly custom static site generator?
- Revive Deezloader Reborn (rewrite).
- Write in a better language, like D.
- Use Ultralight.
- Maybe use the same UI as Reborn fork, port backend. Or use a CSS-only framework and keep it light.
- Currently waiting for Ultralight to support SWIG.
- Micro Term (abbreviated µTerm or uTerm,
) is a very minimal terminal emulator written using Ultralight and Xterm.js. - Even though it uses a JavaScript frontend, it is very fast because of the minimal WebKit fork Ultralight.
- Currently waiting for Ultralight to support SWIG.
- Micro Term (abbreviated µTerm or uTerm,
- PortProxy
- Use Selenium to access services running on different ports on the local network
- Allow all of those services to be exposed to the internet through one port
- Cron for Windows
- Unix-like cronjobs for windows
- A proxy to Task Manager or a separate process
- Sessionify
- WebExtension similar to TabsAside!
- More features and a better interface, using custom CSS.
- RepRap 3D
- Does same thing as Repetier Host, Cura.
- Does it better, with a nice interface in Qt, or maybe Ultralight (because it's fast).
- Keep features like Overrides and Slicing engines from Repetier.
- Keep the prettiness of Cura's interface, but make it more useful.
- Make it not slow, because Cura is painful. Make it not ugly like Repetier.
- Use the actual APIs for the slicers. I think Repetier and Cura use the executable CLI.
- Maybe a web server for Raspberry Pi?
- DSymbolizer
- Use libdparse (or alternative) to parse symbols.
- Output valid D/DI code for use by IntelliSense autocompletion.
- Only function, class, struct, and method symbols, no implimentation.
- Add symbols that take type
as first param to the class or struct of typeT
(as a member). - Fix Uniform Function Call Syntax in DLS or code-d.
- Yet Another IRC Client (YAIRC?)
- But this one is made to look great (Ultralight again).
- Very similar design to Discord's interface.
- Renders markdown from messages.
- Image, video, GIF, and link embeds.
- Built on New Style Widgets.
- D for Discord
- An object orientred wrapper for the Discord API.
- Made for D language.
- Firefox PageInverter
- Forked Firefox extension to invert page colors except images.
- Persistent across domains, configurable patterns to match URLs.
- Not made to be perfect like UserStyles, but good enough to be useful.
- DeNoise
- Create a virtual audio input device in Windows.
- Re-route audio in from microphone to this virtual device.
- Noise gate, noise suppression, other effect options.
- Train a neural nework on the user's background noise to eliminate background static.
- Better Notepad
- Recreate Windows Notepad but better.
- Smooth typing animation like MS Word.
- Markdown highlighting and preview.
- Maybe other markup languages.
- Terminal File Explorer
- Cross platform.
- Drag & Drop shell integration.
- Interface like a terminal multiplexer, several panels (resembling traditional File Explorer).
- Keyboard shortcuts. Yes.
- Open Forum Server
- Write in Go or vibe.d.
- Should impliment markdown.
- May support ReStructuredText and BB script.
- Euphoric Engine
- Badass game engine in D language.
- Support DirectX 11/12, OpenGL 4, and Vulkan.
- Support other cool new stuff.
- Compatibility is not a priority.
- Advanced 3D Sound Engine
- Simulates latency between ears for surround sound.
- Computes based on environment variables (direction, volume, location, etc.).
- Stereo sound is calculated through the relative position of an item in 3D space.
- Aimed to be scientifically accurate, representing the real way sound travels.
- Most likely to be implimented into Euphoric engine.
- Windows System AdBlocker
- Office Music Server
- Plays music in an office environment.
- Web interface that users can log into like a forum.
- Vote for tracks, or dislike them.
- Suggest tracks to be played.
- Option to anonymously request tracks.
- FFbatcher
- Uses FFmpeg to batch transcode files.
- GUI for FFmpeg with all exposed settings.
- Support for custom commands.
- Clipboard Share
- Similar to Samsung Flow.
- Send clipboard and other useful data between devices.
- Android, Windows, Linux.
- Native shell integration, seamless with OS.
- Script Injector Link
- JavaScript Injector to make links that run code.
- Click a link to load external script in sites that don't support it.
- Use for interactiev REPL embedded in any 3rd party page.
- Insert content into GitHub README files, etc.
- GitPak
- Simplified package manager.
- No configuration, no registration. Config file in root of Git repo.
- Auto-updates programs from GitHub releases.
- Support for multiple release channels (branches).
- Support from tags and GitHub/GitTea releases.
- Central interface acts as a repository for all Git projects by hosting site.
- Finds appropriate binaries by playform.
- CLI and GUI for Windows and Linux.
- Redesign Linked2 Website
- Eliminate PHP usage.
- Captain
- Better than Sonarr and Radarr.
- Only supports torrent clients.
- Better quality management and searching.
- Jackett, Cardigann support.
- 1st party indexer support.
Project | Date | Description |
Native Dark | 06-26-2018 | Rewrite the entire extension and make a polished v2.0 |