The Batch Rename Program allows for renaming of multiple files from the command line. This is a rewrite in Go of the original program I wrote in Python.
brp [-h] [-V] [[-a FILE] ...] filename [filename ...]
rename batches of files at one time
positional arguments:
filename list of files to rename
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version print the brp version number and exit
-a FILE, --auto FILE automated file to run (default: None)
help (?, h) [-s] [commands ...]
display help message
positional arguments:
commands commands to get specific info on
optional arguments:
-s, --small
display just the usage messages
save (s) [-c]
save files with current changes
optional arguments:
-c, --confirm
automatically confirm action
quit (q, exit) [-c]
quit program, don't apply unsaved changes
optional arguments:
-c, --confirm
automatically confirm action
write (w) [-c]
write changes and quit program, same as save then quit
optional arguments:
-c, --confirm
automatically confirm action
list (l, ls)
lists current files being modified
history (hist, past) [-p]
print history of changes for all files
optional arguments:
-p, --peak just show single file history
undo (u) number
undo last change made
positional arguments:
number number of changes to undo
reset (o, over) [-c]
reset changes to original inputs, no undoing
optional arguments:
-c, --confirm
automatically confirm action
automate (a, auto) [filenames ...]
automate commands in order to speed up repetative tasks
positional arguments:
filenames file names to run commands
replace (r, re, reg, regex) [find] [replace]
find and replace based on a regex
positional arguments:
find pattern to find
replace pattern to insert
append (ap) [-f FILENAMES [FILENAMES ...]] [-p PADDING] [append] [find]
pattern and value to append to each file that matches, can be automated with a file
positional arguments:
append value to append to filename
find regex pattern to match against
optional arguments:
file to load patterns from
-p PADDING, --padding PADDING (Default: " ")
string to insert between the end of the filename and the value being appended
prepend (p, pre) [-f FILENAMES [FILENAMES ...]] [-p PADDING] [prepend] [find]
tsv with pattern and value to prepend to each file that matches
positional arguments:
prepend value to append to filename
find regex pattern to match against
optional arguments:
file to load patterns from
-p PADDING, --padding PADDING (Default: " ")
string to insert between the value being prepended and the beginning of the filename
insert (i, in) [insert] [index] [-c]
insert string, positive from begining, negative from ending
positional arguments:
insert value to insert
index index (starting from 0) to insert at, negative numbers will insert counting from the end
optional arguments:
-c, --confirm
automatically confirm action
case (c) [styles ...]
change the case (title, upper, lower) of files
positional arguments:
styles type of case style (lower, upper, title, camel, kebab, ect) to switch to
extension (x, ext) [-e] [-n] [new] [pattern]
change the extension on all files or files that match pattern
positional arguments:
new change the extension to this
pattern pattern to match against,
optional arguments:
-e, --ext match against the extensions instead of filename
-n, --np, --nopattern
change for all files
Help is greatly appreciated. First check if there are any issues open that relate to what you want to help with. Also feel free to make a pull request with changes / fixes you make.