Created by: Sam Fenton (sqamsqam), Version: 0.1
Xon_Rcon aims to make server administration easier. Xon_Rcon does this by reading the server log and issuing rcon commands depending on what is typed in chat (e.g a user on the admin list types "!map stor" in the ingame chat. Xon_Rcon then looks for any map beginning with "stor". since stormkeep is the only map that matches the expression Xon_Rcon sends the rcon command "chmap stormkeep" to the server.
Current Features:
- Sends rcon commands to the server.
- Checks to make sure the user is allowed to issue commands.
- Receives server log over udp using "log_dest_udp"
- Implement rcon_secure 1 and 2
- Command access levels. (let only certain users issue some of the commands such as "!rcon")
- bug fixes...
Possible Features:
- Manage multiple Xonotic servers from one Xon_Rcon instance.
Command List:
- say ("!say hi everyone" -> "rcon say hi everyone")
- map ("!map stor" -> "rcon chmap stormkeep")
- map ("!map stor ctf" -> "rcon gametype ctf", "rcon chmap stormkeep")
- gametype ("!gametype ctf" -> "rcon gametype ctf")
- kick ("!kick player name" -> "rcon kick player name")
- ban ("!ban player name" -> "rcon ban player name")
- rcon ("!rcon set g_minstagib 1" -> "rcon set g_minstagib 1")
- restart ("!restart" -> "rcon restart")
##How to Run Simply launch the start script that matches your operating system.
- Linux:
- windows: start-windows.bat
or in the command line like this:
php -f xon_rcon.php
please make sure you look at the config files in 'inc/config/'
Xon_Rcon requires that you have:
log_dest_udp ""
rcon_secure 0
in your server config. you change the ip and port of log_dest_udp to the ip and port that Xon_Rcon is running on.
Readme last updated on (19/07/2012)