Speech activity detection
Any public reports or papers derived using these scripts should cite the following two papers:
[1] S.O. Sadjadi, J.H.L. Hansen, "Unsupervised Speech Activity Detection using Voicing Measures and Perceptual Spectral Flux," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 197-200, March 2013
[2] A. Ziaei, L. Kaushik, A. Sangwan, J.H.L. Hansen, "Speech Activity Detection for NASA Apollo Space Missions: Challenges and Solutions," ISCA Interspeech-2014, Paper #994, Singapore, Sept. 14-18, 2014
./run.sh <wavfile.wav>
Sets environment
Runs ToComboSAD
Converts to RTTM
Places output in <wavfile>.ToCombo.rttm
sox /vagrant/test2.mp3 /vagrant/test2.wav
./run.sh /vagrant/test2.wav
cat /vagrant/tocombosad_test2.rttm
SPEAKER test2 1 0 1.98 <NA> <NA> speech <NA>
SPEAKER test2 1 2.52 3.17 <NA> <NA> speech <NA>
SPEAKER test2 1 6.49 3.3 <NA> <NA> speech <NA>
SPEAKER test2 1 10.88 2.69 <NA> <NA> speech <NA>