The Brumby Code Checker is a redundancy code scanner to effectively find and flag duplicated code in C++, Java, and Ada files. The code checker uses the SabbleCC compiler and a multi dimensional similarity heuristic. It functions by running three independent similarity algorithm and computes a weighted average of those three scores. This heuristic consists of a Cosine Similarity, an ordered Naive (1 to 1) Similarity, and a Longest Common Subsequence algorithm. The application works on C++, Java, Ada, and header files. To do this, it tokenizes the code, then discards comments, white space, and unknown tokens, while also renaming variables to an identifier.
Run the Application class in the Driver package as "Run as", then click run configurations
go to the arguments tab, then program arguments
type in a file path followed by (space) .java (or .cpp/.ada depending on file language)
C:\\Users\\username\workspace\\TestingDuplicate\\src .java
click apply
click run
you will be prompted "Specify a percentage for a close match: " which the user will enter a number (0-100) as the minimum percent match between 2 methods that will be accepted
- Please refer to Code-Checker-Eclipse-Plug-In repository README for all information
clone the git repo
load into eclipse to build the class files
run the program using java on the command line from the bin directory
stilwelld@penguin:~/test/RU-Software-Engineering/BrumbyCodeChecker/bin$ java driver.Application /home/stilwelld/test/RU-Software- Engineering/BrumbyCodeChecker/src .java
Absolute file path names and line in the source file is saved and then grouped duplicates together, prints out a report:
· 750 files in about 2 minutes
· 425 files containing duplicates
· 270,000 method comparisons (computing all matches, 0% and above)
Specify a percentage for a close match: 70
Duplicate found in the following methods:
C:\Users\cstil\workspace\TestingDuplicate\src\ test2: 13
C:\Users\cstil\workspace\TestingDuplicate\src\ test1: 2
----------> 75.85%
Duplicate found in the following methods:
C:\Users\cstil\workspace\TestingDuplicate\src\ test3: 26
C:\Users\cstil\workspace\TestingDuplicate\src\ test1: 2
----------> 76.25%
Duplicate found in the following methods:
C:\Users\cstil\workspace\TestingDuplicate\src\ test4: 36
C:\Users\cstil\workspace\TestingDuplicate\src\ test1: 2
----------> 100.00%
Duplicate found in the following methods:
C:\Users\cstil\workspace\TestingDuplicate\src\ test4: 36
C:\Users\cstil\workspace\TestingDuplicate\src\ test2: 13
----------> 75.85%
Duplicate found in the following methods:
C:\Users\cstil\workspace\TestingDuplicate\src\ test4: 36
C:\Users\cstil\workspace\TestingDuplicate\src\ test3: 26
----------> 76.25%
Total Files: 1
Affected Files: 1
Affected Methods: 5
This is a repository intended to be used for a Software Engineering class at Rowan Univerity.