Course number: | LIN 537 |
Instructor: | Alëna Aksënova |
Email: | [email protected] |
Class times: | MW 2:30-3:50 pm |
Class location: | CompLab |
- Notebook 1: basic IO, variables, boolean expressions
- Notebook 2: flow control and indexing
- Notebook 3: lists and for loops
- Notebook 4: range, zip, enumerate, and useful string methods
- Notebook 5: dictionaries and list comprehensions
- Notebook 6: file IO
- Notebook 7: while, break, continue
- Notebook 8: function definitions
- Notebook 9: classes and inheritance
- Notebook 10: regular expressions
- Notebook 11: finite state automata
- Notebook 12: finite state transducers
- Notebook 13: measuring string distances
- Notebook 14: prefix trees
- Notebook 15: trees and tree traversals
- Notebook 16: Brill tagger
- Notebook 17: CKY parser
- Notebook 18: tf-idf and precision/recall