Version 0.6.8
Keep track of last host after distributing cells of each pop (improves load balance) (issues #41 #196)
Added option to run batch on HPC SLURM system (eg. SDSC Comet)
Added cvode_atol option to cfg
Improved plotShape() to use matplotlib and use colormap to show num syns
Batch params can now have an arbitrary number of levels in structure (eg. dict of list of dicts etc)
Batch params can now be grouped ('group':True) so values vary together not combinatorally
Removed pc.done() at the end of Batch.run() method so can run multiple batches from same script
Added skipCfg option to batch
Added cfg.saveCellSecs option to reduce save time and file size (secs available via netParams)
Added cfg.saveCellConns option to reduce save time and file size
Modified code so 'cellModel' tag is optional
Added renameCellParamsSec() method to netParams class
When importing cell global 'v_init' is stored as param for each section
Fixed small bugs when loading saved model
Fixed bug when calling internal method _findPrePostCellsCondition()
Fixed bug in subcellConn groupedSynMechs
Fixed bug in subcellConn trying to add stims+conns to NetStims/VecStims
Fixed bug in subcellConn so syns are not placed at loc 0.0 or 1.0 (error if syn uses ion)