A Blazor wrapper for noUiSlider.
The package is vailable from Nuget. Once you've installed the package in your project:
- In your index.html (WebAssembly) or _Host.cshtml (Server):
- Add
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_content/NoUiSlider.Blazor/dist/styles.css" />
to your<head>
- Add
<script src="_content/NoUiSlider.Blazor/dist/bundle.js"></script>
to the bottom of your<body>
- Add
- To use the slider anywhere, in your _Imports.razor add
@using PELshen.NoUiSider.Blazor
- Alternatively you can just add the
in the file you are using the slider.
There is no need to include the noUiSlider code directly, it is bundled in with this package.